Sanders’ AEW Rampage 1.28.22 Review
Hello friends! Lee Sanders here and the action from BEACH BREAK on Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite concluded tonight with AEW RAMPAGE! Lineup for this week includes Lee Johnson & Brock Anderson vs. FTR. Meanwhile, Jade Cargill defends her TBS Championship against Julia Hart. Jon Moxley takes on Anthony Bowens. And, in the main event, for the AEW World Tag Team Championship: Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus(c) vs. Private Party.
Commentators: Excalibur, Ricky Starks, Chris Jericho, and Taz
Moxley attacks Max Caster from behind and drags Bowens from the top rope to plant him with a German suplex. Kicks to Bowen’s stomach followed up with right hands to the face, and a slap to the back. Bowens runs to the outside as Moxley gives chase and sends Bowens crashing into the barricades. The two men are now brawling throughout the arena. Why the referee is not counting them down for a double count out is beyond me. Bowens manages to pull Moxley face first into the ring post once the men find themselves back around the ring area. Bowens now on the offense as he connects with a Russian leg sweep, followed by a cover that’s a near fall. Moxley gets in a few knee strikes to Bowens followed by strong kicks to the chest. Caster grabs on Moxley’s leg to help Bowens plant Moxley with a discus elbow strike, followed by a lateral press for a near fall. During a picture in picture break, Bowens continued being on the offense with a little bit of help from Caster. Moxley and Bowens are now on the top rope as Bowens connects with a dropkick on Moxley and follows up with a superplex! Pin attempt made and it’s another near fall. Boot to the midsection by Moxley after Bowens tried looking for a double sledge from the middle rope. Moxley tried looking for the paradigm shift but Bowens counters with a back elbow. Bowens now charging at Moxley as Moxley sends him crashing into Caster outside the ring. Moxley brings Bowens inside the ring and upon returning is struck by Bowens. Bowens plants Moxley with a spinning DDT as Moxley was caught up on the ropes. Pin attempt made and it’s a near fall. Both men are now trading punch for punch, blow for blow. Swing and misses as the men aren’t connecting coming off the ropes trying to strike one another until Moxley connects with a piledriver. Bowens counters a hammer throw into the ropes, knee strike delivered as we continue seeing near fall after near fall by Bowens. Nice sequence of counters right here folks. Moxley begs Bowens to hit him some more as Bowens superkicks Moxley. Caster throws his boom box to Bowens as the ref grabs it and tells him he ain’t using that. While she is distracted, Max gives a chain to Bowens. Bowens tries to punch Moxley but Moxley connects with a cutter and then sends Caster crashing over the ropes to the outside of the ring. Moxley connects with a double underhook and a paradigm shift for the win.
Winner: Jon Moxley (13:00)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Moxley continues to look fantastic in the ring. I was able to see his match against Homicide at the recent The Wrld on GCW event. So taking that in consideration with his AEW return so far, I gotta say I’m loving it. Great synergy from both men here tonight as they told a great story. Bowens continues to impress me as I feel he really could be a breakout star for AEW this year besides Wardlow.
Backstage Bryan Danielson watched Moxley’s match and is quite pleased with what he saw as he’s grinning from ear to ear while looking directly at the camera to us at home. Someone interview him already and find out what’s going on!
Nyla Rose vs Ruby Soho promo shown for Dynamite this week.
Andrade is backstage as we join him in progress looking to speak to Sting. Darby Allin is in the locker room as Andrade wants to know where is STiiiink. Swear that’s what me and my wife heard as he means Stings of course. Andrade presents Darby with a contract saying he wanted to talk to Darby’s boss (Sting). Darby pulls out a bat as Andrade and his assistant make their exit.
We’re joining this match semi already in progress. Lee Johnson gets clotheslined by Dax as we are in a Picture in Picture break. Cash is delivering elbow strikes to the back of Lee’s head. Referee appears to be distracted as Dax sends Lee crashing into the barricades. Tully is on the outside mocking Lee Johnson as Cash picks up Lee and delivers a series of chops to the chest. Dax gets the tag as Dax hard chops Lee to the ground! Dax brings him back in the ring and applies a spider stretch crab on the man. Lee is struggling to make the tag to Brock but manages as Brock is coming in with strikes to both Dax and Cash. Brock plants Cash with a gutwrench suplex. Boot to midsection followed by a reversal into the ropes as Cash bumps into Dax outside the ring. Brock gets Cash in a pin attempt but it’s reversed by Cash and it’s a near fall as Brock kicks out. Brock plants Cash with a DDT as Lee comes in with a spinning frog splash! Amazing as it was a near fall as Cash manages to get his leg on the ropes in time. Tully tries to throw up a storm and accidentally bumps into Arn who decks him hard to the floor. Back inside the ring, Lee was on the shoulders of Cash, great series of counters as a blind tag is made to Dax who helps Cash plant Lee with a spiked piledriver on Johnson for the victory.
Winners: FTR vs Brock Anderson and Lee Johnson(9:00)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Lee and Brock make a damn good tag team I must say. Brock is No Arn Anderson but he’s coming along pretty well as a wrestler. Certain times when he moves in the ring and executes a certain in-ring maneuver, I’m reminded of his dad. This was a pretty good tag team match that has a nice throwback vibe to it that I found myself really enjoying. Probably the underrated match for the card this week far as being a sleeper hit.
We begin with a lockup as Jade is sent into the ropes but comes off shoulder tackling Julia to the canvas. Jade off the ropes now, and in between Julia’s legs as she catches Julia in mid-air, and plants her with a backbreaker! Mercy! Strong elbow drop to Julia’s mid section, followed up with pushups and sit-ups. Julia comes from behind with a roll up as Jade quickly gets out. Julia connects with a thrust kick and elbow strike to Jade in the corner. A huricarana attempt is made as it turns into a pin attempt. Jade kicks out and follows up with a big boot to the left side of Julia’s face followed by Jaded…And that is that.Winners: Jade Cargill (3:00)
Rating: NR
Thoughts: In the words of Clubber Lang…Dead meat.
Mark Henry is with Jurassic Express and Christian as they are having remote words with Private Party and Matt Hardy. It’s time for the main event!
The AEW tag champions make their way out to a great ovation from the crowd. Down the ramp and off to the side, Gunn Club have some words with the champions that sets up Private Party attacking the champions from behind. Champions are brought into the ring as the bell officially rings.
Private Party do Gin & Juice on Jungle Boy! Cover made and it’s a near fall! How did Jungle Boy kick out! Private Party connect with a neckbreaker combo that only gets them another near fall. A leg drop & frog splash combo by Private Party is attempted and they miss as Jungle Boy gets out the way in time. Somehow Luchasaurus gets in the tag as he’s making quick work of Private Party. Luchasaurus goes outside the ring where he flattens Isiah Cassidy and The Blade. Matt Hardy manages to tag Luchasaurus with a steel chair as Luchasaurus tried going into the ring. Private Party did a serious number on Luchasaurus during the final Picture in Picture break. Jungle Boy gets the tag as he’s doing sucide dives and over the top rope dives, crashing into Private Party. Cassidy is brought back into the ring by Jungle Boy. Cassidy connects with a kick to Jungle Boy’s head. Pin attempt made and it’s a near fall. Action finds itself in the corner now as Luchasaurus stops Private Party from a double team attempt as we see some kind of reversed doomsday device. Great reversals from both teams here in the closing moments. Jungle Boy has the Snaretrap on Cassidy but Quinn stops it with a body splash from the top rope. Jungle Boy comes in with a destroyer on Cassidy followed by an assist from Luchasaurus for a tag team combo on Quinn to retain their tag titles. Gunn Club attack the champions immediately after the bell is rung to lay them out. Billy Gunn sends Luchasaurus crashing into his sons who lay out Luchasaurus with the tag team titles to close out this episode.
Winners: Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy (7:00)
Thoughts: Excellent tag team main event match that honestly should’ve gone longer I felt. Considering what’s been happening in recent weeks though with the tag champions and Gunn Club however, this match had just the right amount of time on it. Not too much overkill on outside shenanigans to affect this match as it really wasn’t needed. What was done before the match, and some interference by Matt Hardy was just enough to set things up nicely for the Gunn Clubb.
End of Show
Whoever is booking the tag division I wish the same energy can be channeled creatively into Hangman Page’s title reign cause post Bryan Danielson it’s been a little flat. Hopefully it picks up real soon as the men tag division right now has picked up some serious stem. I’m loving that we have all these challengers coming at Jurassic Express from different directions but right now the spotlight is on Gunn Club. Very excited to see what they can bring to the table in their match against Jurassic Express. Jade Cargill continues to rise to the occasion week in and week out, a few miscommunications here and there but overall decent. I’m ready for her to embark on a short program over the TBS title with someone though. The teases of Moxley vs Danielson I find very intriguing as the breadcrumbs they’ve been giving us is a great tease. I love how this has been playing out exclusively on Dynamite as Danielson has yet to appear on Dynamite. Wish someone would pay me to appear on tv for a few seconds just to smile and go home! For more great talk of wrestling and beyond check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Have a great weekend y’all!