Sanders’ AEW Rampage 12.31.21 Review
If it’s Friday it means one thing! I’m Lee Sanders and this is your AEW RAMPAGE recap and review. No plugs this week as I just wish for everyone to be safe and have a fun New Year’s Weekend. Also, Rest In Peace to a legend that gave me, you, our parents, and grandparents laughs for so many decades, Betty White.
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Ricky Starks
Location: Daily’s Place in Jackson, Florida
Both men kick things off with a series of grapple and counter holds as the fans are loving it. Bowens wants to do a Test of Strength as Allin gives in. Bowens trips up Allin from behind as Allin quickly rebounds with an armdrag followed by a cradle pin for a near fall. Bowens exists the ring to regroup for a few as he cautiously gets back inside the ring. Bowens plants a series of chops followed up with stomps onto Allin before Irish whipping him into the corner. Charge attempt made by Bowens as he misses Allin! Allin connects with a dropkick to send Bowens out the ring. Max Caster tries to distract Allin but he doesn’t turnaround as Allin gives him the middle finger! Bowens comes charging at Allin as Allin uses the momentum to send him almost crashing into Caster. Bowens sends Allin crashing into a ring post as we go into commercial break. Back from break as Allin fights Bowens on the top turnbuckle. Allin sends Bowens crashing to the canvas. Darby tries to look for his trademark Coffin Drop but Bowens pushing Allin into the ring post…Groin first! Bowens follows up with a The Arrival spinning DDT from in-between the ropes to get a near fall. Max Caster tries to get involved again but is neutralized by Sting as The Icon sends him crashing into the ringside barricade. Darby connects with Code Red on Bowens for a two count. Darby takes both members of The Acclaimed out with a suicide dive in-between the ropes, followed with a Coffin Drop after Bowens managed to drag himself back in the ring for a near fall. Post-match the music of Andrade plays as Allin and Sting are distracted. The Acclaimed take advantage as they plant Sting and Allin to the canvas. Max Caster loads up a steel chain around his fist and knocks Allin out cold.
Winner: Darby Allin (11:00)
Rating: **
Thoughts: I’m confused here yet curious in a fun way. Seemed we were destined for Sting and Darby vs FTR and Tully. Hope that’s not abandoned as I was enjoying the slow burn with that program. Bowens continues to be impressive in singles action as I’m expecting for him to have a big breakout year in 2022. Decent opener here for both men with just the right amount of action.
Tale of the Tape with Taz now as he goes over key signature moves from his son HOOK.
Tay throws a steel trash can at Penelope! Now that was too funny! Anna Jay loads up a pair of brass knuckles and punches Bunny with them as she is out cold. Tay and Jay try to setup a table as Penelope manages to come back and stops them with her attacks. Penelope takes advantage of a weakened Tay by setting her up on the table and climbing to the top rope to perform a backward moonsault that does not make the table crash. I AM THE TABLE survives again! Penelope takes a beer bottle afterwards and plants it to the head of Tay Conti as she is oozing blood like Ocean Spray. Chairs are setup in the middle of the ring as Bunny and Anna go back and fourth. Anna plants Bunny with a back suplex onto the steel chairs to send us into a commercial break. Once we’re back from break we see Tay take a cutter from Penelope onto a steel ladder that’s laid down on the outside. Bunny pulls out a bag of thumbtacks as she spills them all in the ring. Anna Jay is fighting with Bunny in the corner as it goes up top. Anna connects with a Super Highrise Suplex and goes for the cover as Penelope breaks it up in time! Good Gawd! Tay and Penelope now going at it as Tay plants Penelope with a Gun-Style Piledriver through a table on the outside of the ring! Mama Mia! Bunny tries to go at Anna with a pair of brass knocks but slips on the thumbtacks as Anna as a piece of barbwire around her arm as she plants the Queen Slayer on Anna Jay for the bloody victory!
Winner: Anna Jay and Tay Conti (8:00)
Rating: ****
Thoughts: Very proud of all four women in this match. They truly delivered in this Street Fight match. When I think about all the matches each woman has been involved in with AEW thus far, this match alone was their absolute best performance to date. Excellent energy, chemistry, and attention in this match. A really great effort by all as they went into this fully invested. They made the most out of the short time they had here and it was worth every minute. Major props to Bunny and Tay as they took some pretty nasty shots that may need a couple of stitches but they sure as hell know how to get color really good!
Recap of the upcoming Danielson vs Page II coming up on DYNAMITE is shown.
Mark Henry has words with Cody and Ethan Page pre-match as it’s now time for our Main Event!
Lot of boos for Cody before the match as it’s safe to say fans in attendance aren’t happy with the new TNT Champion. Cody comes out of the gate with a quick gut punch followed by a power slam. Nice side lock followed by a takedown by Cody is applied. Cody goes into the ropes as Dan Lambert grabs on his ankle to help Page get in a quick suplex. Pin attempt made but it’s a one count. Arn Anderson returns the same gesture that Dan Lambert did to his boy from earlier as the ref is distracted. Cody takes advantage with a dropkick followed by a right hand to the head. Cody tried looking for CrossRhodes but Ethan gets out of the hold and plants a shoulder tackle on Cody. And for the second RAMPAGE in a row we have an overly animated fan in the seats who lends a hand to help Cody get to his feet. Awww! Action back inside the ring now as Page is on the offense but only briefly as Cody gets in a chop block on Page. Cody plants an Indian Deathlock on Page as he’s trying hard not to tap out. Page does manage to get out of it during the break as both men are slugging it out with haymakers. Cody gets back body dropped by Ethan followed by a DDT. Pin attempt is made and it wasn’t a good cover as it’s a near fall. Outside the ring the ref is distracted as Scorpio Sky gets in some stomps on Cody. Arn Anderson comes around to help as Dustin comes in and starts beating up Scorpio Sky. Page can’t believe what’s going on as Cody delivers CrossRhodes for a near fall. Cody looks on frustrated as he takes off the knee brace of Ethan Page. Cody plants Page on the top turnbuckle during it out as Page plants Cody with a power slam for a near fall. Page not able to get in a good cover because of his exposed knee. Both men smashing each others in with punches and kicks. Cody connects with his Cody Cutter for a two count pin attempt. Cody plants a Figure Four leg lock on Ethan. It gets reversed by Page as Cody manages to get to the ropes for the break. Cody delivers a massive right hand to the face of Cody. Page comes back with a punch of his own as he tries to setup Cody for the Ego’s Edge as Cody counters with not one but two CrossRhodes! This is followed up with the Tiger Driver 98 to give the champion a victory!
Winner: Cody Rhodes (12:00)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Great continuation of the developing mean streak in Cody Rhodes coming out. Talk about heel-like tendencies as there were a few dirty tactics Cody exploited on during this match that no doubt further pushes the narrative of Cody ultimately going the heel route. A great match and I gotta say hopefully in 2022 Ethan Page will have more of an opportunity to be a singles breakout star because the few opportunities he’s been given so far in AEW he’s crushed them. Tonight was no different but perhaps on of his best challenges to date as he main evented RAMPAGE with Cody.
End of Show
All about the Womens Street Fight for me with the TNT championship match in a distant second. The women really delivered strongly this week and proved to me going forward that they are more than deserving of being given a main event spot on TNT or TBS, and being given more TV time. Not overreacting when I say they were that damn good tonight. Cody “Face or Heel” Rhodes continues to intrigue me as I enjoy reading the hatred online about this man. All I can do is laugh at that and enjoy the ride. Good RAMPAGE for this week as it felt more stronger than last weeks show. And with that Happy New Year y’all! See you in 2022!