Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 10.20.23
Happy Fantastic Friday everyone! Lee Sanders back with you all for a solid edition of AEW RAMPAGE. We are fresh off the heels of Sting announcing his upcoming retirement at AEW REVOLUTION 2024 in February or March of next year. Very curious to see how these final months of Stinger in AEW plays out. Would you like to see him in a 1-on-1 match or a tag match for the final time? Against who? Sound off!
Before we get into the action, shoutout to those of you that’s going to be around the Winchester, Virginia area this Saturday October 21st. Olympic Gold medalist Kurt Angle will be at the Squared Circle CollectIbles store for a meet & greet. You all know how I wasn’t able to get him to sign my big gold belt from the Jericho cruise a few years ago. This is a full circle kind of story for me and I’m excited. You can still purchase packages via their site by clicking here. I’ll have a full review up of the event hopefully before the weekend is out. It’ll be here on the site so stay tuned. Let’s talk RAMPAGE, baby!
Location: Houston, TX
Venue: Fort Bend County EpiCenter
Commentators: Excalibur and Tony Schiavone
Nice lockup to begin this one as the fans chant LUCHA! Rocky ends up getting Mistico on the ropes where he lets go of him to pat him on his head like a child. Mistico shakes it off as the two lock up again. This time Rocky succeeds in shoulder tackling him to the ground. Rocky follows up with a leg scissors takedown, followed by a lateral press for a near fall. Rocky with an arm drag as Mistico comes right back with one of his own. It’s a stalemate again as this time Mistico connects with a back elbow to send Romero outside. Mistico launches over the top rope to crash into him. Mistico with a Russian leg sweep as he transitions into a wrenching back/arm stretch combo for the submission win.
Mistico: 1
Romero comes right back upset as Hell and attacks Mistico from behind and tosses him outside the ring. Romero follows it up by tossing him into the steel steps before tossing him back into the ring. Romero trying to tear the mask off of Mistico as the referee tries to step in. A great start as we head into our first set of commercials. Our opening contest continues as Romero strong whips Mistico into the corner and grounds him with a series of clotheslines. Romero goes for a half camel clutch as Mistico breaks free briefly. Series of swings and misses as Mistico capitalizes with a takedown arm drag from walking the ropes. Romero sent to the outside as Mistico pumps the breaks jumping outside the ring again. Mistico kicks Romero in the jaw right as he was trying to enter the ring. Mistico eats a knee from Romero. This sets him up for a snap suplex and a tope suicida! Mistico tossed back into the ring as fans chant Mistico on. Mistico put up on the top rope as Romero connects with a super backplex for a near fall. Both men at a vertical base as Romero kicks Mistico low to set him up for a camel clutch submission. Mistico frees himself as Romero kicks him in the back of the head before following up with slice bread to pick up the win.
Rocky Romero: 1
We AEW back as Romero is sent to the outside. Mistico, flies over the top ring post as he crashes into Romero! Far-leg-hook follows as Romero kicks out. Mistico with a beautiful crossbody from off the side ring ropes. Serious hangtime as Mistico gets the near fall. Mistico with a scoop slam as he heads for the top ropes again. Mistico misses a back moonsault as Rocky dodges it and connects with a powerslam for a two count! It was a great counter move from Romero but no cigar. Romero sent into the corner as Mistico tried looking for an avalanche suplex. Romero counters with an avalanche slice bread as somehow Mistico kicks out! Mistico catches Romero from the top rope as he connects with the Spanish fly! Somehow Romero kicks out as Mistico can’t believe it!!! Romero with a jawbreaker, and a swing and miss as Mistico gets him with the destroyer, followed by a swinging hurricarana turned La Mistica for the submission victory!
Winner:Mistico (18 minutes)
Have mercy! Gawd damn that was good! If there was ever a reason to watch this ON-DEMAND or DVR, I highly recommend going out of your way to watch this match. This was some really good lucha. It was the kind of action that wasn’t spammed out with spot after spot and high spot after high spot. There was great storytelling here. This honestly should’ve been the main event. My only gripe or two is that it should’ve been the show closer and how soon will we see these two again? I mean this was a great match and all but I would’ve been more in favor of seeing AEW and ROH regulars in this spot then these two great men. It’s great exposure for CMLL and its fan base and the hardcore diehard wrestling fans that follow all things wrestling. For the casual fan however I can see them detached from this match. Again I loved the match but this felt more like a Wrestle Dream B-side track.
Stokley Hathaway is moderating an exchange between Jay Lethal and Eddie Kingston. Lethal is demanding a shot for the ROH WORLD Championship when Stokley comes up with the idea of Kingston vs Jeff Jarrett. Rules are simple for this one as if Jeff wins then Kingston will have to defend the title against Lethal. This all will go down in a Memphis Street Fight on Saturday’s Collision.
Silver attacks Zay from behind as Zay comes right back with a dropkick that connects to the mouth! Zay with a tope between the ropes on Silver. Zay tries going for Sabian, but Sabian clocks him in the face before Zay can even launch as we head into our next round of commercials. We are back as Zay almost picked up a near fall on Sabian while Silver is down in the corner. Zay tries looking for the twist of fate as Sabian pushes him off. Zay lands into Silver who kicks him silly as Silver also connects with a suplex onto Sabian for a near fall. This comes after Silver connected with a tornado launch of Sabian into Zaby’s Crown Jewels. Loved that spot! Brother Zay launches over the ropes into Evil Uno, the rest of Dark Order and Sabian. Zay gets Sabian back in the ring and tries for a pinfall as Silver breaks it up by punting Zay int he head. Sabian is moved out the way as Silver pins Zay for the win.
Winner:John Silver (5 minutes)
This could’ve gone either way. I’m fine with Silver winning. Dark Order has its ongoing arc where they are trying to be taken more seriously and as a threat. Silver and Cassidy is going to be a solid match. Silver faces Orange Cassidy on the Battle of the Belts special this weekend.
Another video package is shown of Ortiz and Santana. They finally will get their hands on one another. Next Friday on Rampage they will meet 1-on-1.
Keith starts things with Yuta as he comes out hot! Chops to the chest, strikes to the head, and a running clothesline. Exodus tags himself in as Yuta plants him with the Manhattan drop! Claudio follows up with a clothesline! Claudio with a clothesline to Keith who’s sent over the top rope. Claudio with a running uppercut on Keith as he goes back in the ring for the giant swing on Prime. Yuta with the dropkick to the head but—WAIT! It’s followed up with the fastball special to end this one.
Winner:Yuta & Claudio (2 minutes)
Once again we are joined by Menard, Parker, Hager, Anna Jay, and Garcia who are with Rene Paquette. Tensions are still high between Menard and Garcia as the rest of the group lets their voices be heard that they’ve had enough. They all walk off telling them they need to squash it already or they won’t become the trios tag champions. Menard tells Garcia he doesn’t like the dancing but respects him enough to squash his feelings so they can take care of business. We shall see folks…
The ROH Trios champions, Bucks and Hangman issue an open challenge for this Wednesdays’ Dynamite! Will Swerve Strickland and his crew respond? Stay tuned as meanwhile, Excalibur gives a rundown for Collision, Battle of the Belts, and the next Dynamite, and Full Gear. Slow down Excalibur, slow down! That Collision dream match announcement by the way? Bryan Danielson vs Andrade. If I were to make a Danielson dream match list, Andrade wouldn’t be on my list. Who’s thinking of these matches? Don’t answer that…
Chop to the chest of Skye who demands more chops. Ruby obliges but it doesn’t phase her as Skye comes back with chops of her own. Ruby with the back-heel trip on Skye, followed by a short arm lariat. Swing and miss by Ruby as Skye capitalizes with a thrust kick. Skye with a kick to Ruby’s head as Ruby comes back with a kick to the midsection. Skye sent face first into the ring apron. Ruby with a kick to Skye’s head after taking advantage of a distraction Saraya caused. Back from our last set of commercials as both women are back inside the ring. The two are exchanging elbow and forearm strikes. Skye with a series of running takedowns, and a step- up knee to the jaw, and a chop lock. Skye with the cover as Ruby quickly kicks out. Skye with a swinging neckbreaker as she almost had the win there. Saraya swipes at Skye’s leg to cause a distraction as Ruby follows up with the side suplex. It’s a near fall as our match continues. Skye setup on the top rope as Ruby chops away at her. Skye escapes and sets Ruby up for an avalanche powerbomb. Another kickout as Skye follows up with elbow strike, after elbow strike. Saraya gets up on the ropes to cause another distraction. Skye knocks her silly off the ropes as Ruby connects with the No future! Somehow Skye kicks out! Ruby picks her up and tries for destination unknown when Skye continues with a backslide pinning predicament for a kickout! Ruby tries for the no future again as Skye rolls her through, knee strike to the face! Maybe Skyefall? Ruby sends Skye into the ropes where Saraya smacks her silly with a spray can not once but twice! Ruby with the rollup doe the victory. Boo!
Winner:Ruby Soho (6 minutes)
A bit tacky towards the end but a good match and great effort as always by Skye. I know we’ve had Skye try to be a good sport to Skye the past couple of weeks. The real money I feel however would be in Willow Nightingale vs Skye Blue. There’s more emotional context there as many of us not only appreciate Skye but also Willow. Kris has been a strong champion so far but there hasn’t been really any emotional context. Maybe some interviews with Jim Ross would help. Surely they’ll do better than that Nick Wayne segment!
Post match, Ruby and Saraya jump on Skye when Kris Statlander comes out for the save. They clear the ring as Kris tries to check on Skye. Skye Blue isn’t having any of it as she leaves the ring in disgust to end this episode.
End of Show
For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!
This was really a 1-match episode but an honorable mention for Skye vs Ruby. Seriously folks, go out of your way and watch Romero vs Mistico. I say and stress this again for fans that love to branch out and experience wrestling from various promotions. That to the side, some nice development towards Collision and Battle for the Belts, even next weeks DYNAMITE. I appreciate Tony Khan and crew hearing us on wanting to see more Skye Blue. They haven’t been disappointing us as she rises to the occasion every time. I’d like to see more women featured though personally in Willow, Athena, Toni Storm, and Mercedes Martinez make appearances on RAMPAGE. Add Penelope Ford and Bunny to the mix as well. But keep giving me Skye Blue as I have a condition and the only cure for it is more Skye Blue! What say you 411MANAICS?! Sound off! See y’all this weekend for the Kurt Angle meet & greet at Squared Circle Collectibles. For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!