Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 11.3.23
Hello my friends! Lee Sanders back as another Fantastic Friday is here on this chilly week here in the Nation’s Capital. Hope you all had a great Halloween! We’re less than 16 hours from WWE Crown Jewel weekend but first is AEW RAMPAGE! Tonight’s RAMPAGE sees a Day of the Dead Fight: El Hijo Del Vikingo vs. Penta El Zero M vs. Komander. Meanwhile, Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. The Gunns. Elsewhere, Trent Beretta vs. Daniel Garcia. Finally, Skye Blue vs. Marina Shafir.
Let’s jump into the action!
Location: Louisville, KY
Venue: KFC YUM! Center
Commentators: Excalibur, Paul Wight, and Tony Schiavone
Nice dropkick by Penta to kick this off on Komander as Vikingo follows up with an attack of his on own Komander. Penta with the made in Japan on Komander for a near fall. Komander comes back with a back heel kick on Penta, followed by an enziguri on Komander. Komander launches himself over the top rope onto Penta while Vikingo with a tope onto Komander! Penta with a couple of sling blades on both men outside the ring. Vikingo with a reversed phoenix splash onto Komander as he tries looking for the pinfall but Penta breaks it up. Penta is airborne as he crashes into both men from over the top rope! Great dive as Komander is returned to the ring. Penta with a nice, hard chop on Komander. Vikingo tied up in the ropes as Penta gives him a chop as well. Great ovation for Penta and this triple threat match. Penta now taking off his glove as he delivers another slap to the chest of Komander as we head into our first set of ad breaks. We are back as Penta has Vikingo in the corner as he delivers punches to the body. Penta with a step-up kick but misses a charge into the corner. Vikingo capitalizes by running the top rope as he was looking for a dropkick. Vikingo is countered by Komander who turns the momentum into a powerbomb! Komander tries going to the top rope looking, looking for a shooting star press as Penta catches him for a code breaker! It is just pure chaos here as all three men are countering some amazing spots from one another. Komander and Vikingo going at it on the side apron. Vikingo set up on the ropes but counters as he sends Komander crashing to the mat. Penta tries for a reach around Vikingo but Vikingo counters with a posionra! Vikingo meets a thrust kick by Penta as he connects with a 2-for-1 fear factor / gory bomb special! Penta and Vikingo now in the ring going 1-on-1. Penta with a near fall as he follows up with an attempt for the Canadian destroyer. Vikingo counters as he pulls off a deadlift and a kick to the jaw. Vikingo to the top as he connects with a 630 senton that’s broken up by Komander! Komander to the top as he connects with an implosion phoenix splash that’s broken up by Penta. Penta with the fear factor on Komander for the great victory!
Winner:Penta (14 minutes)
Now that was a nice spot fest. Just fricking insanely solid with great chemistry from all three men. Great way to open up Rampage and days removed from Halloween given this gimmick match.
Team Jarrett is with Alex Marvez as Sunjay Dutt explains how last week he saw Ortiz, a man down on his luck after his loss to Santana. He wanted to offer him a hand in friendship in joining the faction. Dutt didn’t appreciate being turned down but it is what it is as soon the attention turns to Jay Lethal going after the ROH World Championship held by Eddie Kingston. Lethal promises he will become champion. We shall see as we go to our next matchup.
Sydal and Austin opening things up. Sydal with a nice kick to the midsection before tagging in Daniels for some double team action. Lateral press follows by Daniels as Austin quickly kicks out. Colton with a right hand to the face of Daniels as Austin tags in his brother. Austin with a pretty dropkick on Daniels as Daniels quickly kicks out. Nice lift/lariat combo follows on Daniels by the Gunns. Daniels takes advantage of a misfire to get in a suplex on Austin as he tags Sydal. Sydal with a couple of kicks to Gunns. Sydal to the top and gets a meteroa as Colton breaks up the pin attempt. Sydal with a cover on Austin but no mas as Gunns connect with the 3:10 to Yuma to end this one.
Winner:Gunns (4 minutes)
Smart move as nothing is wrong with building up the Gunns taking on MJF for the ROH tag titles at Full Gear. Nothing more to see here.
Saraya and Ruby Soho are with Alex Marvez as Saraya sharply reminds Ruby that she wouldn’t be anything without her. Ruby wouldn’t even get any tv time if it wasn’t for Saraya as Saraya is sick and tired of hearing about Toni Storm and the shenanigans she’s been pulling the past few weeks. Saraya tells Ruby to stick with her and she’ll climb to the top. Sarah’s walks off as Angelo Parker steps in to continue flirting but Ruby scoffs at him and walks off. Menard comes in looking to shift blame for their tag defeat last week onto Parker. Parker doesn’t want to hear any of it as he walks off.
Marina with a handshake followed by a leg sweep from out of nowhere! Marina brings Skye back to her feet. Skye tries stomping on Marina’s feet but it’s a no-go. Marina kicks Skye in the midsection to send her rolling out the ring to regroup. Skye with a punch to Marina and a ddt from between the ropes of the side apron. Marina now on the outside as Skye takes advantage with a a couple of furious strikes. Shafir with a nice judo takedown, followed by a chop to the chest. Shafir misses a kick as her foot hits the apron as we head into our next set of commercials. We are back as Skye is tripped up as Shafir connects with a kick to the spine! A front kick follows as Shafir goes for a cover after a spike. Skye somehow kicks out as Shafir tries for a submission hold. Skye breaking free with some kicks, followed by a front dropkick. Skye with the enziguri as Marina counters her pin attempt into a front face lock! Skye bites her on the stomach to escape and gets a rollup for a near fall. Skye with a thrust kick and the code blue for the victory!
Winner:Skye Blue (6 minutes)
My girl Skye continuing to deliver. Loved this match as Marina is coming off even more polished. Marina is getting there for sure. Skye Blue has had a great couple of months in 2023 in the division. Let’s hope turns to good in 2024.
Promo spot for Darby Allin vs Lance Archer is shown as it’s going down on this weekends Collision.
Nice lockup for control as we see a series of sweeps, chops, and reversals early on. Garcia chops Beretta silly as he tries going for a headlock but Beretta reaches the ropes in time for a rope break. Beretta with a kick to Garcia followed by a moonsault on the outside. Garcia spiked on the outside by a brain buster as we head into our final set of commercials. We are back as Beretta has Garcia on the top rope for a super back suplex. Cover attempt made as Garcia kicks out. Beretta with a few stomps and short arm clotheslines. Garcia comes back with some offense as he connects with a pair of double knees to the face, and a back suplex for a near fall. Garcia with a rollup but it’s quickly a kickout. Beretta with a few German suplexes as Garcia counters with some delayed German suplexes. Both men take each other out with clotheslines but come back to a vertical base to slug it out like hockey fighters. Beretta with the piledriver as Garcia kicks out. Garcia with the dancing as he plants Trent with a piledriver for a near fall. Garcia with the crossface to make Trent tap out for the win!
Winner:Daniel Garcia (14 minutes)
Great job by both men and a great way to reintroduce Garcia as a solo act.
Garcia grabs a mic afterwards as he tells the crowd it’s been more than six months since last he had a singles match. He’s calling his shot as he’s ready to be greedy and start collecting titles again. Garcia calls out MJF as he wants a shot for the AEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! That MJF is such a wanted man and woven into so many arcs. I love it!
End of Show
For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!
Garcia calling his shot and gunning for MJF and his AEW World title, another appearance and decent match by Skye Blue, and buildup for Full Gear. What more could you ask for folks? For me it’s more Santana as I didn’t appreciate seeing him off Rampage this week. Curious to see where Team Jarrett and Ortiz is heading and if Santana is involved in it or not. The love fest between Ruby and Parker does not interest me but respect to those who enjoy it so far. It just feels to be a lot considering what’s going on with her, Storm, and Saraya not being on the same page this days. Decent show this week that is worth checking out for the three matches I mainly highland in the review. What say you 411MANAICS?! Sound off! For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!