Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 12.3.21
Happy Friday y’all! Lee Sanders here! We for us a busy weekend for pro-wrestling as things kick off with tonight’s new AEW RAMPAGE. This week’s action sees the AAA World Tag Team Champions FTR vs. PAC and AEW World Tag Team Champion Penta El Zero M in a non-title match. Meanwhile, Jade Cargill vs. Janai Kai. Finally, AEW TNT Champion Sammy Guevara defends against Tony Nese.
By the way, I’ll be covering NWA HARD TIMES 2 and NXT Takeover: War Games ppv fallout live this Saturday and Sunday once the events end. Feel free to drop by my podcast channel for coverage by clicking here.
Location: Atlanta, GA
Commentators: Taz, Excalibur, Ricky Starks
Sammy lays in the punishment on Nese off the break with a flurry of punches. Nese soon finds himself on the rebound as he lays in some hits on Sammy’s abdominal region that’s tapped up. Guverra does a corkscrew launch throw the ropes that connects with Nese who’s outside the ring. Nese rams Sammy into the side apron as Sammy comes right back and strong arms Nese into the steel stairs, followed by a barricade. Back inside the ring as Sammy tries climbing to the top rope but is denied as Nese sweeps the legs of Guverra. Nese follows up with a gutbuster and gets a two count for his efforts. Nese connects with a beautiful moonsault press, and goes for the cover as Sammy kicks out. Nese strong whips Sammy into a corner and another as Nese soon after follows up with a backside spinning kick. Another cover attempt is made as Sammy kicks out. Back from break as we see Nese with a single leg crab on Sammy. Somehow Sammmy gets out as he connects with a beautiful stunner of the top rope that had a springboard effect to it. Sammy tries looking for the GTH but Nese counters by going back to his single leg crab submission hold from earlier. Series of counters by both men now as Sammy connects with the Spanish Fly. Not enough as Nese kicks out! Sammy clotheslines Nese to the outside. Guverra goes to the outside of the ring and does a springboard back moonsault, crashing into Nese! What a move! Action gets back inside the ring as Nese stops Sammy from doing another springboard attack as Sammy goes crashing outside the ring. Nese connects with a high risk maneuver over the ropes and crashes into Sammy. Nese connects with the 450 Splash on Sammy after getting him back inside the ring. Nese only manages to get a near fall as the fans begin chanting how awesome this match is to them. More back and fourth and counters from both men as Sammy connects with a beautiful pump kick, followed by the GTH to retain his championship!
Winner: Sammy Guevara (14:00)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Nice opener although I wish Sammy would’ve sold his taped ribs more throughout the match. Regardless though this was overall great as I found myself enjoying the near falls. It’s matches like this that also reminds just how damn good Tony Nese is as he had some bright spots in this one.
Christian Cage is with Jurassic Express talking about the roll they’ve been on picking up victories. He knows sooner or later their luck is going to run out as he wants to continue striking gold while the getting is hot. He feels Jurassic Express has a bit of ways to go in their continued lessons and career and he’s there to continue helping them achieve success.
Thunder Rosa is now with the commentary team for our next match.
Kai gets Jade in a lockup but Jade quickly powers out of the hold and follows up with a pump kick. Jade connects with Jaded to end this match. Was this even 30 seconds? Post-match Jade continues her assault on Kai as Thunder Rosa comes down the ring and jumps on Jade as both girls are going all balls out on each other. Officials come in to break up the fight and separate them.
Winner: Jade Cargill (0:33)
Rating: NR
Thoughts: Basically all about Thunder and Jade and their upcoming TBS semi finals match coming up soon. Nothing more and nothing less. Should be a great match but man poor Janai Kai.
Young Bucks and Adam Cole are pissed at Orange Cassidy for interrupting Cole at commentary on DYNAMITE. Bucks propose to have a match on this coming Wednesday’s DYNAMITE against any two members of the Best Friends stable.
Recap of Chris Jericho getting assaulted by 2point0. Eddie Kingston offers comments now as he doesn’t care what happened to Jericho. Far as Kingston is concerned they reap what they sow.
Recap now shown of Danielson going through members of the Dark Order as the main spotlight is on John Silver’s upcoming match against Danielson on next Wednesday’s DYNAMITE. Very well produced as we get more DYNAMITE plugs.
Mark Henry gets words from Pac, Penta, and FTR as our main event is next!
Penta and Wheeler kick things off. Wheeler has a good and strong wrist lock on Penta. Penta counters out of it and goes for a spinning toe-hold on Wheeler. Cash Wheeler manages to escape as he looks on frustrated. Penta takes his glove off and throws it as Wheeler tries to catch it but misses. Penta kicks Wheeler in side as he tags in Pac. Pac and Penta connect on Wheeler with a stereo superkick as Wheeler goes outside the ring to regroup. Dax Hardwood now is tagged in. Pac is on fire as he manages to take out both Wheeler and Dax with strong hip tosses. Backbody drop applied to Hardwood. Double team effort successful by Pac and Penta as Penta connects with a drop to Dax’s groin from the top rope. Pin attempt made as Cash breaks it up. Penta manages to get in a tag to PAC as PAC is coming in with strikes to Hardwood. Hardwood lands a big right hand to PAC to leave him laid out on the canvas. Back from Picture in Picture break as FTR connects with a back breaker / elbow drop combo on PAC. Hardwood goes for the cover as it’s only a near fall. Hardwood has PAC on the top rope as both men are slugging it out. Hardwood gets sent down twice by PAC who plants him heavy with a kick from the top. Wheeler swings and misses Penta as PAC connects with a back body drop to tag-in Penta! Penta is on fire as he does a rolling DDT to Hardwood followed by a nice crossbody on Cash Wheeler. Near fall as match continues on with Penta connecting with a backstabbed on Wheeler for another near fall. Wheeler now into the ropes as he powerslams Penta. Wheeler sets up Hardwood for a beautiful leg drop from the top rope. Two count as Penta kicks out. Double team effort made by FTE as PAC superkicks Wheeler. Penta connects with Code Red on Hardwood to get a 2.9 count. PAC lands a boot to Cash’s jaw and climbs to the top rope. PAC tries connecting with a crossbody but Dax rolls through with a roll up and it’s a near fall. Dax connects with a tiger driver on PAC for another near fall. Tully tries talking to the referee as PAC sends sends Dax into Tully. Tully stops himself in time before crashing into Tully when PAC clotheslines Tully Blanchard off the ring apron. Hardwood comes from behind on PAC to get him in a roll up but it’s countered as PAC rolls up and gets a near fall. PAC strong arms Hardwood outside the ring as he goes for a moonsault and takes both FTR members out. Malakai Black comes from behind PAC while the referee is distracted and checking on Dax. Black sprays his trademark black mist into the good eye of PAC as Hardwood goes for the cover to steal the victory. Post-match FTR tear the mask off of Penta while beating him and PAC down. Malakai Black follows up and digs his fingers into the good eye of PAC. Black has drawn blood from that good eye to end the show.
Winner: FTR (18:00)
Rating: ****
Thoughts: Excellent fast paced tag action with great storytelling. Love the touch of Malakai being in there as it wasn’t needed and expected. A very nice surprise as it adds a whole new layer to this rivalry.
Great match opener and main event for this week. Continued added drama for the TBS tournament as we’re pretty close to the end of it as I for one am excited to see my girl Thunder Rosa getting more heavy rotation on TV. Her match with Cargill should be pretty good. Lot of building towards next week’s DYNAMITE which is fine as you were left this week with a good bite size of action tonight. Decent episode but I’m curious where the ratings will be for this episode considering last week saw it around 431,000. I’m expecting a nice rebound of at least 532,000. Should be interesting to see the results.