Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 2.10.23
Hey folks it’s Friday and you know what that means! Time for a new AEW RAMPAGE! I’m Lee Sanders and it’s great to be with you all again as we head into the weekend. Nothing to plug this week except it’s great to hear that Jerry Lawler is on the road to making a full recovery after his health scare earlier this week. On that note, let’s jump into some RAMPAGE action!
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Chris Jericho
This match is already underway as Sabian, Butcher and Blade are doing a solid job isolating Yuta. Nice running senton by Kip as Butcher and Blade double team on young Yuta. Butcher now the legal man as he rubs the neck of Yuta’s across the top rope for some raking action! Blade tagged in now as fans are chanting for Wheeler to get back in the game. Sabian tags back in as as Yuta possibly has an opening for a tag after connecting with a dropkick. It’s successful as Moxley is tagged in as he delivers hard and heavy strikes to Sabian. Nice bite to the forehead, and a drop-step to apply a rolling submission Kimora lock. Elbow strikes laid down on the neck of Sabian as Moxley fights off Butcher and Blade in the corner. The henchmen take advantage of the cheap shots Moxley took on them as they grab him by the ankles to ram his groin into the steel post after swiping away his vertical footing. Sabian delivers a kick to the jaw followed by a back moonsault as we head into a commercial break. Our opening contest is back as Moxley is in trouble on top of the turnbuckle. Moxley somehow is able to deliver an avalanche powerbomb off the ropes! Kip makes the tag to Butcher as Moxley delivers a haymaker lariat to ground him. Claudio and Blade get the tags at the same time as both men are going at it now. Claudio with a dropkick followed by a series of uppercuts. Now forearm strikes being delivered like a machine gun by Claudio. It’s the perfect setup for the giant swing as Kip sweeps the legs out from Claudio. Sabian isn’t the legal man as Claudio delivers the giant swing to him. Blade comes from behind for a rollup as Claudio kicks out, reverses the hold for a half Boston crap submission. It’s interrupted by a kick to the face from Butcher while Moxley delivers a cutter to him. Meanwhile, Kip delivers a dropkick to Moxley from the top rope! Claudio tosses Kip outside as Butcher and Blade combine for a lariat/pin combo. It’s interrupted by Yuta who delivers a deadlift German suplex to Butcher! Yuta is tossed outside by Blade. Blade picks up Claudio as Claudio counters and picks him up for a Death Valley driver that’s a two count fall. Yuta is thrown by Claudio outside the ring to crashes into Butcher while Moxley delivers a cutter to Sabian! Claudio meanwhile delivers a devastating uppercut to Blade for the victory!
Winners: Yuta, Moxley, Castanogli (14:00)
Rating: ***
Solid opening contest with great effort from all involved. I love the new luck Butcher is pushing as he’s clean shaven and is more leaner. He still looks very menacing! I’d love to see more happen for Butcher and Blade in 2023 as every time they’ve been called upon, they always deliver. Weird how they’ve been lost in the shuffle with other tag teams as they are a underrated hit in my book.
Video package is shown as Darby Allin telling Samoa Joe his word is his bond. He won’t challenge for the TNT title so long as Samoa Joe is champion. Darby reminds Ortiz that he has his back since Ortiz had his a few weeks ago. Far as what’s next for Darby and Sting? Sting tells Darby they will be going out in a blaze of glory!
The Impractical Jokers are now in the house as they still are in possession of Chris Jericho’s bat. They mock how small the bat is as they thought it would be bigger. Chris Jericho is at commentary still as he tells them that he may have a small bat but at least he has big balls. They tell him he can have his bat back anytime he wants. Jericho tells them he’ll personally take it back at anytime but for now he’ll have his boys retrieve it for him. Matt Mernard, Luke, Jake Hager, and Sammy Guverra assault the Impractical Jokers. They are planted through a table as the JSA celebrates. I get the crossover but I could care less about this folks. Yawn!
Backstage video package is shown of Dustin Rhodes is shown with Lexi as he tells Swerve Strickland he (Swerve) will not tarnish the Rhodes name. Dustin is the last of his kind in this business. His promo is interrupted by Parker and Granden Goetzman who beat him down. Swerve shows up afterwards to accept the challenge as he’ll see Dustin next week. Swerve also wishes him a happy Black History month! Haha!
Nice, heavy handed chops and punches by Ruby with a flurry to the midsection. The offense from both women is on point so far as Marina showed some great arm holds and transitions as we head to another set of ad breaks. We are back as Ruby goes in for a cover after connecting with a capture suplex for a near fall. Ruby climbs onto the top turnbuckle and leaps as Marina rolls out the way in time. Ruby tries looking for the No Future but Marina counters as Ruby comes back with a kick to the face to set her up for Destination Unknown to end this one.
Winners: Ruby Soho (5:00)
Rating: *
Marina has gotten better, I’ll give her that. What was buzzkill for me though was the fact that right as I was starting to enjoy this match, we go into a commercial break after two minutes. Then when it comes back the match is only continuing for another two minutes. Considering what happens later with the Jungle Boy, I would’ve settled for that whole minute from that match being given to this girls match instead. Length and commercial break took a couple points off for me on this one folks.
Post-match Toni Storm and Saraya come out and to try and have a few words with Ruby when they are jumped by Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter! Referees come out to separate the girls as we have nothing but chaos before our eyes. Excalibur mentions how he just heard from Tony Khan as coming up on DYNAMITE will be Ruby vs Baker vs Storm in a three-way match!
Lexi is backstage with Mark Briscoe as it’s revealed he’ll be making his in-ring debut on next Friday’s AEW RAMAPGE. Mark Sterling wants to represent Briscoe as it’s declined when Sterling throws a few insults Briscoe’s way. Mark Briscoe is about to pounce when Josh Woods steps in and tells Briscoe to be careful who he puts his hands on before they all walk away. Some funny stuff, check it out below!
Annnnnnnd it’s over in under 1:15. Heck just happened???
Winners:Jack Perry (1:00)
Rating: NR
I’m not even sure what was the point of having this match. This could’ve easily been given to gee I don’t know…Powerhouse Hobbs instead.
Rene Paquette is with Hangman Adam Page as he cuts her off. Hangman is still reeling from his last encounter with Jon Moxley and that Moxley stole the win. Kip Sabian interrupts to ask why is Hangman moaning and groaning? Kip tells him he needs to grow up as Hangman was ready to beat him up but excused himself as he storms off.
Very nice hearing Jim Ross and Chris Jericho wish Jerry Lawler a speedy recovery as this main event match is underway. Lee tries going for a few stomps on Cassidy as Cassidy escapes the attempts all while his hands are in his pockets. The champion delivers a nice dropkick to Lee as Cassidy runs to one side of the ring, to come charging at Lee. Morarity uses the momentum to send Cassidy over the top rope. Cassidy rebounds quickly get back in the ring and setup Lee’s head to be pounded on the turnbuckle pad repeatedly. Cassidy to the top now as he misses of which Lee punts Cassidy’s head off! Nice side kick from Lee as Cassidy goes over and under as the action spills to the side apron just outside the ring. Cassidy is looking for Beach Break as Lee reverses it with a sweeping STO to set up our last set of ad breaks! We are back as Cassidy connects with a Mitchinoku Driver for a near fall! Cassidy calls for the Orange Punch but decides to climb on the top rope instead. Lee plants him with a nice arm drag as Cassidy comes back with the Stun Dog Millionaire! Cassidy is behind Lee now looking for a sleeper hold as Lee powers out of it and applies the Border City Stretch. Cassidy manages to escape by rolling out of the ring as he senses danger. Stokley Hathaway tries to come over as Danhausen curses him! Danhausen goes for an attack but his hand hits the casted arm of Stokley. Meanwhile, Casidy crashes into Lee with a tope/swinging ddt from in- between the ropes! Lee is tossed back in the ring as Cassidy connects with a diving ddt! Cassidy not done yet as he’s calling for the Orange Punch! Lee captures him and plants him with a lariat as soon Cassidy counters with Beach Break! Cassidy once again calls for Orange Punch and connects finally! Slow to captailize, turns out Lee was playing possum as he gets Cassidy in the Border City Stretch! Cassidy somehow counters it into a rollup for the 1…2…and 3 for the win!
Post-match Satnam Sighn comes out at the top of the stage ramp as Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett attack Cassidy and Danhausen from behind! Best Friends come out but they are laid out as well! Jarrett is about to take a guitar to Cassidy when The Acclaimed come out for the save as the heels retreat.
Winners: Orange Cassidy (13:00)
Rating: ***
A good match between Lee and Cassidy but man, was it really a wise move to have Acclaimed come out to save Cassidy and Best Friends? This was the same episode taped right after Wednesdays DYNAMITE where they lost the tag titles to the Gunn Boys. I would like to believe Tony Khan and crew were aware of the social media reactions after DYNAMITE. To my point, Acclaimed should’ve been kept off of television to hype up them addressing what’s next after losing the titles, on the next DYNAMITE. I wasn’t a fan of their appearance in this at all as it should’ve stayed on Team Slapnuts and Best Friends since they’ve been at it a few weeks now.
End of Show
For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!
Another hour that blazed by pretty fast. Really this was a show to watch for two matches this week. The filler stuff wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t that good either. I’m really concerned for RAMPAGE since the numbers for last week had the viewership and the demos low. Lowest since December of 2022. Credit Tony Khan for mixing and matching while trying to find the right formula. The man and his team continue to struggle sadly and it brings about a good question. Is it time for RAMPAGE to move to an earlier day and time? I felt the Fridays at 10pm ET was perfect but now not so much. How do you think Khan and crew should improve RAMPAGE, 411MANIACS? Does there need to be improvement? Sound off as I love hearing from you all as always! For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!