Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 6.9.23
Happy Friday everyone! Lee Sanders back with you all as this weekend brings us another installment of AEW RAMPAGE. After a universally well-received edition last week (which I gave a glowing review), it’s going to be interesting to see how Tony Khan and crew follow up. Before we jump into things, I want to personally extend heartfelt condolences and prayers to the friends, family, and colleagues of The Iron Sheik. The pro wrestling legend passed away this week at the age of 81 and helped take Hulk Hogan and Sgt. Slaughter to the next level. Sheik was also an early trailblazer for the wrestling shoot dvd industry as he helped take small companies like RF Video, and make them household names in wrestling communities. Rest in Power Sheiky Baby!
Commenting: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross
Ethan and Fenix kick things off as Ethan kicks Fenix in the gut and sends him into the ropes. Fenix comes right back with a hurricana as Ethan counters with one of his own. Rollup by Fenix for a quick kickout. Lee is tagged in now (as is Bandido). Both men trading slaps to the chests as Bandido pulls off a pretty corkscrew from the top ropes as he tags in Penta. Big Bill is tagged in as Penta slowly walks up to him and is grabbed by the neck. Penta with a nice thrust kick, and chopping kicks to the quads. Bill sent over the top rope as Penta tries diving in-between the ropes and is clocked in the face by Big Bill. Strong right hands follow up to the face of Penta as Lee is battling Fenix over by the ramp area. Meanwhile, Ethan Page is talking trash to the fans from the side apron as we get our first set of ad breaks. We’re back as Bandido is the legal man but the strength is too much for him as Big Bill has been dominating. Lee and Ethan are tagged as they perform a 3-on-1 combo on Bandido. Bandido comes back with an enziguri to tag Fenix. Big Bill intercepts Fenix and is ready for a chokeslam when Penta stops him with a thrust kick! Fenix attacks with a thrust kick as well. The brothers deliver a pair of low kicks to Bill’s quads, followed by a pair of superkicks to the face! Bandido comes in and is tossed in the air by Penta to deliver a corkscrew onto Bill, Ethan, and Lee outside the ring. Ethan was the legal man apparently (but I challenge this) as Penta tries to cover him for the tag and there’s a kick out. Fenix with the cutter on Lee as they follow up with the fear factor on him. Matt Hardy comes out to interrupt Ethan who’s getting ready to do the Ego’s Edge. Matt and Jeff are upset that Ethan didn’t put on his gift of wristbands they got for him. Ethan reluctantly puts them on as Bandido comes from behind with the 21 plex for the victory.
Winner:Penta, Fenix, and Bandido (12:00)
Rating: ***
Solid tag opener. Where to begin? Let’s start with Big Bill. I love who he was booked as it seemed every time he was starting to chain together some offense, it would get interrupted by multiple opponents. It’s very smart and well-executed booking they did here for the big guy. For the love of Wrestling Gods though can we change his name? He deserves better! The Ethan Page and Hardy Boys element was a nice touch as they are promising to change Ethan for the better. Their overlapping in this match was a nice touch as Fenix continues to shine with every little opportunity he gets. Nice and entertaining opener.
And now we get a word from QTV. Where’s my remote?
Caleb with a reach-around but gets a back elbow and a clothesline for his efforts. It’s followed up with suplex on to the top rope and a kick to the head! That’s gonna hurt in the morning! Caleb with a enziguri as Hobbs comes back with a nice spinebuster that would make Arn Anderson proud. This is over!
Winner:Powerhouse Hobbs (1:15)
Rating: NR
Speaking of Arn Anderson…Arn Anderson and Wardlow are interviewed by Rene Paquette backstage as they talk about the disrespect they’ve been receiving as of late from Christian Cage and Luchasaurus. They promise those men will pay as Wardlow puts over his upcoming DYNAMITE match against Jake Hager. Meanwhile, Brock Anderson is okay as Arn reassures fans that is son is doing okay and getting better by the day.
Anthony Bowens and Angelico kick things off as the crowd is nice and loud for this one. Bowens with a nice dropkick as Serpentico tags himself inside. Caster gets the tag as he gets an atomic drop when Luther comes in as Billy Gunn sends Luther outside. Bowens with a leg drop from the top rope onto Angelico. Serpentico is in the ring all by himself as he’s decked in the face by Billy. This match is off to a rough start it feels like as we head into another set of commercials. We are back as Luther is tagged in right as Billy gets tagged. Billy cleans house as Angelico catches him with an enziguri. Luther with the cover as Bowens breaks it up. Bowens gets the tag as he connects with the arrival onto Luther! Caster with the mic drop to end this one.
Winner:Acclaimed and Billy Gunn (6:00)
Rating: **
Surprised it went as long as it did. Should’ve been a shorter match but time did get eat up by commercial breaks. It never got out of first gear honestly. It was what it was but I wouldn’t mind seeing more of SAP on my television.
Rene Paquette is now interviewing Team Lethal and Jarrett. Karen Jarrett grabs the microphone to tell Rene and the fans that she’s here to end all of this by calling out referee Aubrey Edwards. Looks like Mark Briscoe and Aubrey Edwards come out. Aubrey talks about how the officials will not sanction a match between the two to gone 1-on-1. Aubrey promises Karen though if she sees Karen backstage, at a hotel, or trying to help Jeff Jarrett out with a match, she’ll kick Karen’s ass! Good stuff! Mark does have some good news as there’s going to be some mixed trios tag team action. Jeff, Karen, and Jay will team up to face Mark, Aubrey, annnnnnnnd…Papa Briscoe! Interesting but who asked to see Aubrey wrestle? Least this is almost over so we can get on to other business…
Riddle me this…Why does Nyla Rose get a shot in this match when she lost to the TBS Champion Kris Statlander this past week on DYNAMITE? We hadn’t seen her on tv in a few months. Don’t say because she’s from Washington, D.C. Anyway, man does Sky Blue look good tonight! Mercedes and Britt fight on the outside as Nyla and Sky go at it inside the ring. Sky manages to fight off Nyla by sending her outside the ring and delivers a leg scissors takedown to Mercedes. A swing and a miss by Britt Baker as Nyla gets back inside to club on the back of Britt while Mercedes attacks Sky Blue. Marina Shafir comes from out of nowhere as she enters the ring and is choking out Mercedes from behind. The referee is giving way too much leeway for these antics. Shida enters with her kendo stick and attacks Marina with it as the referee still hasn’t regained control. Excalibur tells us this match is a no disqualification match as Shida chases Marina into the backstage area as we head into our last set of ad breaks. Our main event continues now as Britt pushes Nyla off the top rope to send her crashing to the canvas outside the ring! Sick spot as on her way crashing down, her back hits the side apron! Mercedes delivers a high boot to the face of Sky Blue! Britt and Sky are now going back and fourth as Sky connects with an enziguri. Pin attempt made but it’s broken up by Mercedes. Mercedes gets rolled up by Britt but Mercedes reverses it as Britt gets in her lockjaw submission hold. Meanwhile, Sky Blue gets in a half Boston crab on Mercedes as Nyla breaks it all up. Nyla chokeslams Britt as Martinez breaks it up and follows up with a knee and suplex. Britt follows up with a stomp on Nyla. Martinez and Britt fight outside as Sky Blue gets in the code blue on Nyla for the victory! Hot damn! Hot damn!
Winner:Sky Blue (7:00)
Rating: **
Surprised they went with Sky Blue here but I welcome it as it’s a nice change of pace. The spot where Nyla messed her back up made me cringe. It just felt like an unnecessary spot honestly. Happy to see she was able to get back into though. Little bit of green from many involved in this match as Martinez was the veteran holding this down honestly. It came off decently better than I anticipated despite some rough around the edges.
End of Show
For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!
Not as strong as last weeks episode but as far as buildups go? This episode accomplished a lot in setting up key matches for this coming weeks DYNAMITE while continuing story arcs for Hobbs, Ethan. Page, and Aubrey Edwards. It makes me extremely happy to see Sky Blue get more and more tv time. I’ve been following her work since her time in NWA and I’ve told anyone that would listen to watch her as she’s going places. Very excited to see how she fairs next week against Toni Storm. This was not a must-see episode but the quality was fairly decent as it focused more on AEW talent and AEW in-house titles as opposed to last week. What say you all 411MANIACS?! For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!