AEW Rampage

Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 7.21.23

Do the Friday dance cause the weekend is here! What’s up everyone, Lee Sanders with you all once again for another edition of AEW RAMPAGE coverage. This week we got ourselves a Royal Rampage match to determine a no.1 contender for a shot at the TNT Championship. Meanwhile, Kris Statlander is in action against Marina Shafir. Also, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn join forces to take on Johnny TV, QT Marshall, and Aaron Solo. Loads of fun action tonight!

Before going any further, I’d like to just extended heartfelt condolences and thoughts to the family of Tony Bennett, who passed away today at the age of 96 after suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. A legendary singer whose career spanned over 75 years. Rest well sir as I’d like to believe Frank Sinatra and Amy Winehouse are giving him the grand tour among others…

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Chris Jericho


Participants: Darby Allin, Swerve Strickland, Jay Lethal, Nick Wayne, Minoru Suzuki, Brian Cage, Ethan Page, Komander, The Butcher, Big Bill, The Blade, Isiah Kassidy, Toa Liona, Matt Sydal, Bishop Khan, Matt Hardy, Matt Menard, Jeff Jarrett, Angelo Parker, and Jake Hager

Eliminations in Order: Jay Lethal, Ethan Page, Suzuki, Isiah Kassidy, Butcher, Blade, Sydal, Hager, Menard, Parker, Jarrett, Hardy, Big Bill, Khan, Cage, Wayne, Liona. Looks like three other eliminations happened in a picture-in-picture break folks. Final two participants is Darby Allin and Swerve Strickland. Prince Nana tries attacking Darby from behind with the man’s own skateboard! It’s enough of a distraction for Swerve to powerbomb Darby onto the skateboard…sunny side up with the wheels up! Swerve tries tossing Darby out but the daredevil somehow hangs on. Swerve tries for a brain buster and misses as Darby spears him between the ropes! Swerve lands onto the floor first to have Darby secure the victory.

Winner:Darby Allin (30:00)
Rating: *
Darby earning the shot. I must say I thought for sure Nick Wayne was going to be the underdog to win this one. Don’t have a problem with Darby winning but thought for sure Tony Khan and crew would try to build up Nick since arriving on AEW TV last week. This match itself though was okay but I looked at is as any other battle royal match. Not a fan of when these type of matches open up a show but that’s just me folks. You like it? More power to you.


Daddy and QT kick things off as Daddy tries looking for the fameasser but QT dodges it in time. Swing and a miss by QT as Caster is tagged. QT and the rest of QTV get taken out of the ring by the trio as they give the people what they want…OH SCISSOR ME DADDY! We are back as Daddy Ass gets the hot tag and he’s coming in with big shots, laying out the QTV gang. Johnny attacks Daddy from behind as Bowens comes in for the save. Driving elbow strikes to the neck and back of QT. Johnny with a kick to the head as Bowens comes back with a chop/punch/kick combo. Diving cutter on Billy Gunn who is still the legal man as Solo takes to the sky for a diving double stomp! Johnny with the cover as Billy kicks out! Acclaimed setup Solo for the arrival and mic drop as Billy goes for the pinfall for the victory.

Winner:The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass (10:00)
Rating: ***
Right team won here especially since Acclaimed are getting ready to challenge House of Black this weekend. I’m surprised they didn’t have Harley Cameron continue flirting with Anthony. We’ve seen here these past few weeks not taking no for an answer. No all of a sudden she’s stopped cold turkey. That just felt really weird to me especially since she’s delivered some pretty funny moments so far. Whatever was working and getting QTV over as a whole, it seems at least on this episode, all was scaled back. Curious to see if she and the rest of QTV make their presence felt on Collision…


Marina with a brief hammerlock to headlock takedown as Kris counters out and does her own wrap-around the waist takedown. Marina with a headlock and knees to the abdomen region. Marina follows up with kicks to the midsection and a judo takedown. Cover attempt made as Statlander kicks out. Marina on top with strikes to the head as she tries to set Statlander up to grind her hand and elbow into the ground. Marina with kicks to the legs and sides as Statlander slugs her out with a couple of right hands, and a knee to the side of the head. Nice delayed vertical suplex follows. A pin attempt made but Marina kicks out. Statlander looking for the piledriver when Marina reverses it and is trying to go for a leg submission maneuver. Statlander powers out to hit her with a disqus lariat, and the piledriver aka Friday Night Fever to end this one.

Winner:Kris Statlander (5:00)
Rating: **
Decent match at the right length. Nothing too exciting or flashy here. The piledriver maneuver though folks. I need Statlander to find something else ASAP. My girl been having knee issues for a while now and I want her to enjoy this current run now that she’s champion. I’d love to see her adopt some form of the CrossRhodes but with her own spin to it folks. How about you all 411MANIACS? Sound off!

End of Show

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on Enjoy the weekend y’all!



A pretty straight forward episode this week. Nothing flashy, nothing over the top. This episode felt as if the team involved behind the scenes phoned it in folks. I totally get it as last week was all about building up three shows with the Battle of the Belts special. This week felt as though it was a vacation. Not an episode many fans will remember in the coming days. This was really a one match show. My biggest issue so far though is just how they’re going about introducing Nick Wayne to us. You give him this marquee main event spot, only to have him lose. Then the kid disappears and the next time we see him, he comes up short yet again. You can literally feel TK and crew aren’t sure what to do with the kid. It baffles me how they didn’t start him off in the Owen Hart tournament. It is what it is I guess as onwards to Collision. For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on Enjoy the weekend y’all!

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