Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 7.29.22
Good Friday y’all! Lee Sanders here and what a great week it’s been for wrestling fans! Tonight sees a new AEW RAMPAGE as this weekend is also WWE SUMMERSLAM, and Ric Flair’s Last Match! For those not able to check out the latter, I’ll be live both nights with a post show. Check it out via YouTube and subscribe! Join our solid community of over 12,000 and counting! Meantime, onwards to AEW RAMPAGE as tonight marks the conclusion of FIGHT FOR THE FALLEN.
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho, and Jim Ross
Trent and Lethal begin with a lockup as Trent gets the upper hand and attempts a rollup. Quick kick-out by Lethal. Another quick lockup as Lethal quickly maneuvers himself behind Trent and goes for backslide pin attempt. That’s a near fall as Barretta counters with a pin of his own that receives a near fall as both men are at a stalemate. Jay demands Trent tags in Cassidy as he wants a piece of him. Cassidy, cocky and full of confidence tells Lethal he doesn’t want him as he points at the giant Satnam Singh. Sunjay gets tagged in as the man is still wearing his three-piece suit! He only takes off his tie and blazer as Cassidy takes off his shades and goes for his pockets. Cassidy lightly kicks Sunjay’s ankles as Dutt tags in Satnam. Cassidy attempts a dropkick as Satnam doesn’t budge. Satnam picks up Cassidy and puts him in the corner like a bag of groceries! Satnam plants Cassidy to the ground with a mighty chop as Chuck and Trent try to double team on the giant but they are no match. Big Giant Satnam takes them down as well as we head into our first set of ad breaks. We are back as Cassidy and Lethal exchange holds and are constantly switching for position. Cassidy leapfrogs over Lethal to tag in Taylor. Taylor with a belly to belly suplex! Taylor follows up with a knee to the face as Trent gets in the tag to do a soulfood half and half on Lethal! Singh tries fighting them from outside the ring as they take him down with a double dropkick. Lethal connects with a double lethal injection as Cassidy gets in a spinning ddt. Sunjay now enters and does his own mock version of Cassidy’s ankle kicks. Cassidy breaks Sunjay’s pencil as he plants him with a Orange crush to score the pinfall.
Winner: Orange Cassidy and Best Friends (13:00)
Rating: **
Nice and energetic pace to open up RAMPAGE. I felt that their was a tad too much comedy in this tag match from Cassidy and Sunjay though. Putting that to the side, overall a decent tag match as I loved seeing Lethal lock it up with Trent and Taylor. Wouldn’t mind seeing a singles match down the road. Satnam did okay for the little bit of offense he displayed but his foot work and timing is still pretty bad.
Satnam enters post-match and shoulder tackles Trent! He holds Cassidy by the neck as Lethal connects with lethal injection! Wardlow comes to the scene as he storms his way to the ring and wants a piece of all three men! Sunjay steps in and has them back off as they make their exit.
Recap of FTR vs Briscoes is shown from their epic match at Death Before Dishonor
Ruffin charges at Ethan! Bad decision as Page catches him and rams him into the corner! A head toss out the corner followed by a shoulder tackle from Ethan Page. Ruffin sent flying into another corner as he gets caught up. Ruffin tries going in between the legs of Page but Page catches him to set him up for a flying Ego’s Edge to end this one as looking on backstage is Stokley Hathaway. Any way I can be a Stokley Guy? Dude signing more people than DEATH ROW Records!
Winner: Ethan Page (2:09)
Rating: NR
Glorified Squash
Backstage QT Marshall approaches Cole Carter and congratulates him on his AEW DARK win. He sees something in him as he wants him to join The Factory. He wants Carter to think about it and get back to him.
Both men shake hands as Lee rams his head into Sydal’s face! Nice gameplay to start things off for Lee as he delivers a front chancery on Sydal. Sydall with a knee to the jaw of Morarity, followed by a kick to the chest. Pin attempt made by Sydal but it’s a near fall as we head into another set of ad breaks. We’re back as Lee gets a rollup on Sydal for a near fall. Lee comes off the ropes looking for a big boot as Sydal counters with a roundhouse kick! Lee gets Sydal in a spinning, well placed lariat that would’ve made Stan Hansen proud! Sydal with a kick followed by the lightning spiral for a near fall. Stokley Hathaway appears as Sydal is climbing to the top turnbuckle. Lee catches Sydal and derails him as Sydal barely fights off Stokley grabbing onto his ankles. Lee trips Sydal up on the ropes to set him up for a face-planter that’s a near fall. Lee follows up with ridge hand shots to the jaw followed by the Border-City stretch to make Sydal tap out!
Winner: Lee Morarity (6:11)
Rating: ***
Great action, well paced, and good God is Lee finding his swagger! Lee continues to deliver week in and week out. He’s cashing in successfully on the opportunities being provided to him. I don’t quite feel Lee and Matt are done just yet. I hope not as I could watch these guys for the next couple of weeks heading into ALL OUT.
Stokley hands Lee his business card yet again and this time Lee accepts.
Claudio Castagnoli is with Tony Schiavone and William Regal. Claudio appreciates the love and support from the fans as he feels it’s a great honor to stand before everyone a champion. He claims it’s just the beginning as he welcomes the ROH Pure Champion, Wheeler Yuta. Great ovation to both men from the crowd. Chris Jericho grabs a microphone and screams enough already! Jericho doesn’t want to hear the chants for these guys as he feels Claudio deserves a boot up his ass! Wheeler tells him to shut up as he beat Jericho’s boy, Daniel Garcia to retain his championship. Wheeler is feeling so confident that he’s pretty sure he can beat Jericho as well! Jericho chuckles at the idea as Wheeler gets a vote of confidence from Claudio and Regal. Jericho accepts the challenge as he wants Yuta on this Wednesday’s DYNAMITE! Wheeler tells him no thanks as Jericho is so sure he can beat him, Jericho will put him his title match on the line! You read that right! Jericho is putting his title shot against Moxley for the AEW World Championship at Quake by the Lake, against Yuta! If Yuta defeats Jericho next Wednesday then he gets the shot against Moxley. Quick sidebar, why does Quake by the Lake sound like something you’d say to your date after the movies? Hey baby, wanna QUAKE by the LAKE?
The Acclaimed premiere their Trash Day music video. It’s worth checking out. Pretty damn funny! Check it out below.
Nice lockup as Anna grabs Ruby by the head and slams her to the canvas. She almost punted Ruby’s head off but she moved out the way in time. Ruby manages to get Anna in a headlock, Anna sends Ruby into the ropes. Ruby comes off the ropes and shoulder tackles Anna. Ruby tried looking for her No Future kick but Anna had it scouted and tried dropping an elbow. Anna misses as Ruby gets her in a rollup for a near fall. Ruby with a knee to the face of Anna, Ruby charges as Anna moves out the way, Ruby with a back strike to Anna from the corner. Anna kicks the injured hand of Ruby as Ruby fumbles in the corner. Anna side kicks Ruby as we head into our last set of commercials. We’re back as Anna takes the cast off of Ruby. Referee Aubrey Edwards quickly grabs it and tosses it in a corner. Ruby is delivering elbow strikes to Anna. She tries to lift Anna but it’s a no-go as Anna plants Ruby with a thrust kick. Ruby comes right back with a suplex as both women are struggling to come to their feet. Anna uses a Greco-Roman knuckle lock on Ruby’s injured hand as Ruby tries head butting Anna Jay repeatedly to get free. Ruby with a kick to the midsection, followed by a back-heel trip for a near fall. Ruby looking for Destination Unknown but Anna counters out with a spider-like backbreaker for a near fall. Anna plants the Queenslayer on Ruby as Ruby kicks out. Ruby connects with Destination Unknown as Anna Jay kicks out. Ruby takes to the top rope and misses the senton as Anna tries looking for the Queenslayer yet again. Anna grabs Ruby’s cast from earlier as the ref doesn’t see Anna using it as she chokes Ruby out with it via the Queenslayer to score the win.
Winner: Anna Jay (9:00)
Rating: ***
Anna Jay! My girl Anna Jay is coming along as a singles competitor as she is nowhere near the performer we saw that faced Jade Cargill a couple of times. Compared to a year ago, she’s really improved dramatically. Has me wondering if Chris Jericho might have a hand in training her as Britt Baker talked about how Jericho was always giving her tips. In either case it’s working as Anna’s finally coming into her own. On-screen personality still needs a bit of work bur she’s coming along. There was a couple of miscues here in this match but all in all a solid effort by both girls.
End of Show
Great seeing Wardlow back as I know there’s been a few of you ladies out there looking for him. Trust me I’ve been hearing it in my Discord and on social media. Ladies love their Wardlow! I’m not sure how I feel just yet seeing him mixed up there with Cassidy and Best Friends. It’s still pretty early folks. Solid matches this week from Lee vs Sydall, and Ruby vs Anna. The Ethan Page situation has be curious. Remember last we heard, Page is with Dan Lambert. So is it possible Dan Lambert and Stokley Hathaway will collide? Or are we counting down the final days of Lambert and his involvement with Men of the Year and AEW, period? Sound off folks as I’m curious what your thoughts and predictions are for this one. I was hoping for more Death Before Dishonor fallout as far as hearing from other winners of the PPV. Maybe that will come next week as I’m still trying to see how they are going to utilize Prince Nana, Samoa Joe, and a few others going forward. For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!