Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 8.18.23
Hello my friends! Lee Sanders back with you this Friday as the critically and infamous Wednesday Dynamite is more than 48 hours removed. Indeed, lots of complaints on that episode but that’s in the rear view mirror as tonight is AEW RAMPAGE! Solid lineup as it includes Rey Fenix vs. Komander.
Meanwhile, Shida and Skye Blue vs. Toni Storm & Ruby Soho. Loads more is going down on this episode as we’re a week from Saturday’s AEW ALL IN at Wembley Stadium! Let’s get right to the action!
Location: Nashville, TN
Arena: Bridgestone Arena
Commentators: Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone
Nice series of reversals in holds to open up this match by both men. Sunset flip attempt by Fenix that’s reversed as Komander tries a pin of his own of which Fenix kicks out. It’s a very nice opening sequence of counter-wrestling. Series of leapfrogs from both men as they hit the ropes hard that sees another stalemate. Fenix looked for the hook-kick and misses as he manages to send Komander off the top rope. Komander with a nice diving huricarana, followed by a dive from over the top rope. Komander taking to the top turnbuckle to walk the ropes as he takes a swing and a miss as Fenix capitalizes with a big diving stomp! Pin attempt made as Komander kicks out. We are back after a set of commercial breaks as Komander takes down Fenix with a swinging leg scissors takedown. This move by Komander sets him up for a spiked huricarana-pin combo for a near fall. Komander picking up Fenix for the lawnblower setup. Another cover as Fenix kicks out somehow. Fenix with a cutter from out of nowhere as Komander kicks out. Fenix with a top rope walk into a punt to the head by Fenix! What a sweet spot as Fenix goes for the cover and yet somehow Komander kicks out. Komander with a crucifix bomb for a near fall. Both men now trade off roundhouse kicks as both men go down to the roaring of fans. Both men now come to their knees, exhausted as they exchange elbow strikes. Fenix with a dropkick to the chest to send Komander rolling outside the ring. Fenix takes to the sky as Komander catches him and throws him off. Komander connects with the destroyer and a shooting star press. Fenix kicks out, Fenix kicks out! I thought for sure that was going to do it folks! A 450 splash by Komander as no one is home as Fenix capitalizes with a roundhouse kick and a modified version of a falcon arrow. Komander somehow kicks out as that was extremely close of a victory for Fenix. Fenix connects with a muscle buster to finally score the victory. What a match, what a match!
Winner:Rey Fenix (15 minutes)
Rating: ****
Gawd DAMN that was good! Not only a fantastic opener but the match of the night overall. These two gelled extremely well together and it was laid out good. It wasn’t over-the-top as I could watch these two go a full 30 minutes and not be bored. I’ve said it before but it’s been a while, Tony Khan and crew, you guys gotta put these two in a tag team. I’m still high on Fenix eventually being a singles breakout star for AEW but he and Komander could juggle being a tag team extremely well while Lucha Bros can still do its thing. What you all think? Give me a holler!
Rene Paquette caught up with Britt Baker to get her thoughts on possibly becoming Women’s Champion at ALL IN. Britt talks about how she was at the very first ALL IN and how she’s been the cornerstone of AEW, laying down the foundation of the division and company, brick by brick. She’s pretty confident that she’ll get the job down next weekend.
We’re back now as we get exclusive highlights of QT Marshall as he’s been competing in Triple A. Remember back in July of this year he competed in an Ambulance match. This was followed up last weekend as he won the Triple A Latin American Championship. We see footage now of Johnny TV getting out of a sweet ride to congratulate QT as he thinks his cute doggie is telling him they are the best thing on tv right now.
Aussie does not hesitate as they jump Page and Zay off the break. Referee is barely able to get control (if at all) as Zay ends up being the legal man. Zay is mauled big time by Davis and Fletcher. Zay manages to get in a hurricana on Fletcher. Zay tries to look for a cover as Davis comes in to stop him. Zay eventually gets in an enziguri to tag Page. Ethan clotheslines Davis out the ring as Zay climbs the ropes to take to the sky to take out Aussie Open. Page with a pin attempt as it gets broken up as all four men are now inside the ring. Aussie ultimately sandwiches Zay and Page into each other by running them into each other back first as we head to our next set of ad breaks. We’re back folks as Fletcher has been putting a clinic on Page during the commercial break. Page manages to get in brainbuster as he tags Zay now. Zay is coming in hot with takedown after takedown. Zay with a crossbody on Fletcher for a near fall. Zay climbing to the top now as he looks for a senton. Fletcher gets his knee up in time as this sets up Aussie for some great tag team synergy. They put in a couple of combos including a cutter on Zay as it gets them a two count. Zay is still down as he gets a double lariat and the Coriolis for the victory.
Winner:Aussie Open (10 minutes)
Rating: **
Not too shabby. It was a no-brainer who was going to win here but still a decent tag match nonetheless. I’m continuing to find the Ethan Page new outlook on life arc intriguing. I need to see more development from this as I ultimately would love to see Ethan and Scorpio Sky cross paths. It doesn’t have to be a feud but just two former (or current) buds catching up with one another.
Post-match Aussie Open promises not only will they retain their titles next weekend at ALL IN, but there’s no way MJF and Adam Cole will get off kangaroo kicks on them.
Video package now showing The Righetous (from Ring of Honor) as they have their eyes set on AEW as apparently they recruited Stu Grayson into their faction. Meanwhile, the Hardys challenge Aussie Open for the ROH tag titles next Friday on Rampage I’m assuming but we need clarification from AEW.
We begin with a lockup as Cruz comes from the ropes and is shoulder tackled. Sammy with a nice dropkick to takedown Cruz. Sammy follows up with a move over the top rope to crash into Cruz. Cruz catches a flying knee to the face and the GTH to end this one. This wasn’t even two minutes!
Winner:Sammy Guevara (75 seconds)
Rating: NR
Video package of Nyla Rose is shown as it appears to be a rebirth or second coming of some kind. We’ll see where this goes…
We’re back as we get a rundown of the AEW Collision card and Fyter Fest edition of DYNAMITE for next week. Excalibur is doing triple duty with the rundown and more as we go to our main event with what’s this…a women’s match?? Wasn’t something Lufisto said was it?
Storm and Soho jump Shida and Blue off the break before the bell rings. Soho and Blue manage to get in the ring where they appear to be the legal women. Blue with a series of forearms to the face and a leg scissors takedown. Skye with a lateral press for a two count. Soho catches Blue on the ropes thanks to a distraction by Storm to get the advantage. It’s a handicapped beatdown as we quietly see Saraya has joined Soho and Storm at ringside. Storm and Soho seem to have a miscommunication as they eventually get back on the same page to continue stomping a mudhole on Blue. The art of no-selling is strong as Skye somehow stands up tall and strong with Shida for an all four-woman brawl. Shida gets taken out via ringside while the onslaught continues on Blue. Storm delivers a hip attack that sends Blue reeling to the floor as we go into our last set of commercials. We are back as Shida manages to get in the tag and gets off an enziguri on Soho. Shida puts Soho over her shoulders and tosses her off as Storm tries getting in there now. Shida catches Soho with a kick while Storm plants Shida with a suplex. Blue gets in with a a low spinning kick on Storm while Soho gets in a psycho suplex on Blue as all four women are down. Shida with a knee to the face of Soho as Blue is tagged. Blue tries going for the pin as Storm comes in with another hip attack. Soho sprays Blue in the face while the ref is distracted as Storm plants her with another hip attack! Storm with the cover as Shida breaks it up! Shida drags Blue over to her side to get in the tag as Shida and Storm trade off strikes. Shida gets the best of the encounter as Saraya grabs on her boot without the ref seeing it. Storm takes advantage with a high kick! Blue with a thrust kick to Storm as Shida gets in a jacknife cover pin on Soho for the victory.
Winner:Shida and Skye Blue (9 minutes)
Rating: **
Decent closer but man I’m getting exhausted with the spray painting routine. It would’ve made more sense to have Britt Baker come out after seeing too much interference by Saraya but for whatever respected reason they had her come out post-match. That to the side a well structured tag match as honestly, quality wise, the streak of better women matches continues since weeks back of Baker vs Valkyrie. Side note I love seeing the beginning of breakdown or friction among Outcasts. It’s much needed heading into the London ppv honestly where every woman is all out for themselves in becoming champion. Our girl Skye Blue continuing to get love by being mixed up with all these girls and rising to the occasion again. Love my Skye Blue!
Post-match, Outcasts continue beatdown down Blue and Shida as Britt Baker comes out as it’s absolute chaos in the ring as officials try to restore order.
End of Show
For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!
One of the more enjoyable episodes of RAMPAGE in recent weeks. I’m not just saying that as I honestly mean it and this was much needed for fans who trashed this weeks DYNAMITE. Happy that money was raised for the Hawaii victims from that episode but that was overall a bad episode. That’s not the impression you want to give as there’s folks who will only watch the Wednesday show, or the Saturday show, or both. This RAMPAGE at its core was a one-match show but the tag matches are worth sticking around and checking out. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go see Blue Beetle in theaters. Review for that to come soon! For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!