AEW Rampage

Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 8.27.21

Hey hey hey good people, Lee Sanders here! Once again it’s Friday and what a great weekend it’s going to be for us wrestling fans. We got a new AEW RAMPAGE tonight that promises to be good. Matches so far include Tay Conti vs. The Bunny, World Tag Team Title Eliminator Final: Jurassic Express vs. Lucha Brothers. Remember winner of this match goes on to face Young Bucks Inside a Steel Cage At “All Out” for the AEW World Tag Team titles. And in the main event, Kenny Omega & Brandon Cutler (w/Don Callis) vs. Christian Cage & Frankie Kazarian.

We’re still at the UW–Milwaukee Panther Arena from earlier this week as Taz, Mark Henry, Excalibur, and Chris Jericho are with us again on commentary as things kick off with the Tag Team eliminator finals match.

Match 1: Title Eliminator Final: Jurassic Express vs. Lucha Brothers

Rey Fenix and Jungle Boy start us off as they lock up. Series of counters from both men as both look equally strong. Luchasaurus and Pentagon get tagged in as Penta teases taking his gloves off before going in on Luchasaurus with kicks to his ankles followed by headbutts. Penta comes off the ropes looking for a high risk maneuver but is countered by Luchasaurus who grabs him by the neck and slams him to the canvas. Fenix plants Luchasaurus with a drop kick from the ropes. Jungle Boy comes in and tries to send Fenix over the ropes. Fenix catches himself between the ropes and counters with a nice side kick to Jungle Boy’s head. Luchasaurus attacks Fenix with a boot to the face while Penta super kicks Luchasaurus, This is followed by Jungle Boy superkicking Penta. All four men are down as the 2021 NBA World champion
Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks is in the house at ringside looking on. We’re going into our first commercial break. Back from break as Fenix and Jungle Boy are the legal men and are exhausted as they try to tag in their respected partners. Penta and Luchasaurus are the legal men again as Luchasaurus chokeslams Fenix onto Penta, followed by a standing moonsault press that only gets him a near fall. Penta makes a quick tag to Fenix who does a great middle spinning kick to Luchasaurus from the corner. Fenix goes to the top rope for a frog splash that only gets him a two count. Luchasaurus comes back with a headbutt and tags in Jungle Boy who clothesline’s Fenix followed by a pin only for a near fall. Tiger driver followed by a snare trap is applied to Fenix. Penta breaks up the submission hold as Young Bucks are watching this match from the top of the stage ramp again. Rey Fenix and Jungle boy find themselves fighting on the top rope as they both go crashing into Luchasaurus, Penta, and Marko Stunt thanks to Fenix’s hurracarrana on Jungle Boy. Both Lucha Bros go insane on Luchasaurus as they connect with superkick after superkick on him followed by one last double team attempt that finally slays the beast as Lucha Bros win. Lucha Bros win the right to challenge Young Bucks at ALL OUT. Bucks comes from behind and attack the Lucha Bros before quickly making their exit like true heels. Good stuff!

Winners: Lucha Brothers
Rating: 8/10
 This was an excellent tag match that honestly could’ve gone either way. Personally I was rooting for Jurassic Express as they’ve been building up serious momentum the past few weeks but thinking about ALL OUT being around the corner, this matchup is far superior and will without a doubt bring out the fans in droves over both respected tag teams. This matchup was very competitive with great storytelling and faced paced action. Great tone for RAMAPGE.

We’re back as we get a recap of CM Punk’s AEW debut and his upcoming match with Darby Allin.

Gods favorite champion Miro is beating the living you know what out of Fuego Del Sol as he tosses him out from the gorilla position. He continues kicking his behind around the arena until he gets him in the middle of the ring. Miro tells Fuego how he accepted something he shouldn’t have. Miro tells a weakened Fuego all will be forgiven but first Fuego must reveal his face the Lord. Miro then rips Fuego’s mask off before following it up with a kick to his head. Eddie Kingston comes out with a microphone but puts it down as he charges inside the ring to fight Miro. Kingston comes in with a few chops to Miro before following up with an exploder. Referees come out to break both men up as this is pure chaos!! Fans love what they see as they chant for Eddie.

Match 3: Tay Conti vs The Bunny

Bunny attacks Tay off the break as Chris Jericho talks about how crazy Bunny looks. Jericho tells the guys she reminds him of Baby Firefly from HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES. He ain’t lying! Bunny is in the driver’s seat as her attack on Tay Conti from behind paid off early in the match. Tay manages to rebound and gets in her on offense, showing off her mat skills. Tay connects with three pump kicks to the face followed up with a Tay-K.O, followed up with a superkick. The Blade hands Bunny a pair of brass knuckles as referee Aubrey Edwards is distracted by Penelope Ford getting up on the apron. Bunny punches Tay in the face to knock her out cold and goes for the cover as Bunny picks up the victory. The Blade, Bunny, and Penelope Ford stand tall. Lord have mercy Penelope Ford is looking marvelous tonight!

Winner: The Bunny
Rating: 6/10
 It wasn’t a bad matchup as Bunny has continued to improve in recent months. I recently complained about Tay Conti not being given enough love on DYNAMITE and the YouTube shows so it’s nice to see her on RAMPAGE. This match wasn’t five stars good by any stretch nor was it bad. All round a decent well-rounded match.

We’re back as Excalibur is giving us a rundown of some of the matches happening at AEW ALL OUT. Two new matches just announced is Jon Morley vs Satoshi Kojima, and Eddie Kingston vs Miro. This coming week on ADW DYNAMITE, Brian Cage will face Powerhouse Hobbs. Video package is shown recapping how Hobbs vs Cave came about in recent weeks. Also on DYNAMITE this week, Orange Cassidy vs Jack Evans, FTR vs Santana & Ortiz, and finally, Chris Jericho interviewed by Jim Ross. Meanwhile, Tony Schiavone interviews MJF. The Elite vs Lucha Brothers and Jurassic Express in an Eight-Man tag team match. Next week on AEW RAMPAGE, Darby Allin faces Daniel Garcia.

Mark Henry interviews Kenny Omega and Don Callis. Omega calls this upcoming main event an exhibition and that the only shot Christian Cage has in defeating him is if he (Omega) is injured. If Omega can have it his way he will beat him with the One-Winged Angel and call it a day. Christian brings up how Omega hasn’t been beaten in almost two years and how he was the first to do so as Christian takes another jab at Don Callis. Ah the carny b.s by Don Callis…

Match 4 (but technically 3 cause the bell never rung for Miro vs Fuego)
Kenny Omega & Brandon Cutler vs Christian Cage & Frankie Kazarian

Omega and Kazarian lock up first but Omega gets the upper hand on offense with an assist from outside the ring by Michael Nakazawa. Kazarian bounces back however with a series of chops, followed by Russian leg sweep as he tags in Christian. Omega wants no part of Cage as he tags in Cutler. Cage is owning Cutler as Kazarian and Cage double team on the poor guy. Kazarian becomes the legal man as the action goes outside the ring. Kazarian is attached from Nakazawa with a tablet to the back as Frankie no-sells it. Omega attacks Frankie from behind and drags him back into the ring. Omega gets the tag and does a high risk from the top ropes onto Frankie for a near fall. Brandon Cutler gets tagged back in as he’s dancing before missing big time on a flying elbow drop. Cage is tagged back in who embarrasses Cutler with a series of chops in the corner. Omega tried to look for the One Winged Angel but Cage counters and sends Omega crashing into Cutler. Punches to the face of both men as Cage connects with a DDT to Cutler. Cage goes into the corner looking for a spear as Omega grabs Cage’s angles and ramps him into the steel post…Crown Jewels first. Cutler distracts the referee as Callis helps out with the distraction as well. Cutler holds Christian as Omega looks for a running bicycle kick but misses as Christian gets out of the way. Cutler is planted by the kick as he goes crashing to the canvas. Frankie comes in with punches to Omega as Christian looks for the killswitch but Omega escapes. Christian connects with a spear and the killswitch on Cutler to come away with the victory as that’s it for this edition of AEW RAMAPGE.

Winners: Christian Cage & Frankie Kazarian
Rating: 7/10
 Nice any to close out RAMAPGE. Love seeing a rattled Kenny Omega that is intimidated by Christian Cage. Add into that comedic timing by Brandon Cutler and this was a well rounded decent tag match with just enough action to have you invested.



Nothing really too exciting about the episode for this week. It was really all about the tag team eliminator match. Honestly that should’ve closed out RAMPAGE and Omega and Christian’s tag match should’ve opened up the show. Everything else in-between was fillers sadly although seeing the spot with Miro and Kingston was a welcomed change of pace. The continuation of Omega being rattled by Christian Cage intrigues me as I loved the psychology in the main event match of Omega essentially wanting no part of Cage. I have a feeling that as the weeks progress for RAMPAGE we’re really going to have but one match that’ll be our absolute favorite now that things are starting to getting settled. I’d expect for things to really pick up though as we get closer to ALL OUT.

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