AEW Rampage

Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 9.24.21

Stadium: Arthur Ashe
Commentators: Ricky Starks, Taz, Excalibur

It’s Friday folks and you know what that means! Time for a new AEW RAMPAGE! Hey everybody, Lee here once again as tonight we’re getting a two-hour jammed pack edition this week. The card looks pretty stellar too as we’ll be seeing CM Punk vs. Powerhouse Hobbs. Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston vs. Minoru Suzuki and Lance Archer.
Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, Santana, and Ortiz vs. The Butcher, The Blade, and Private Party. Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford. Adam Cole and “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. Christian Cage, Jungle Boy, and Luchasaurus. Chris Jericho and Jake Hager vs. Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky, and so much more!

As always feel free to check me out if you’re interested in knowing my expanded thoughts on all things AEW, WWE and in-between through my podcast. It’s available wherever you get your podcasts. Also, feel free to give me a follow on Twitter @TheRCWRshow and say hello.

MATCH 1: CM Punk vs Powerhouse House

Punk charges right at Hobbs with a dropkick and series of strikes out the gate. Hobbs manages to get in one strike the slow Punk down for a bit but Punk is adamant with his offense as he goes for Hobbs left leg. Strategy laid out pretty early as Punk is seeking to take down the big man by focusing on his legs. For every bit of offense Punk manages to get in he’s taken down by Hobbs with one move as so far Hobbs is dominating on offense. Hobbs manages so connect with a running elbow to the face of Punk followed by a scoop slam. Hobbs follows up with a bearhug on CM Punk for a bit as Punk counters with strikes and kicks followed by a swinging neckbreaker. Punk follows up with a running knee to Powerhouse Hobbs followed by a clothesline. Punk takes to the air from the top turnbuckle as he connects with a flying elbow drop. Punk goes for the cover but he only gets a near fall. Fans are loving this as they chant to Punk he’s still got it. Punk manages to lift Hobbs over his shoulders and attempts a GTS but Hobbs blocked hit and counters it with a spine buster. Punk comes right back with a rear neck choke from behind as Hobbs uses raw power to shake him off by landing on his back, dropping Punk in the process. Stampede slam followed up by Hobbs as he only gets a two count. Hobbs climbs up to the turnbuckle showboating which is a costly move as Punk comes right back with a few strikes. Punk looks for some type of leg scissor takedown as it’s a little blotchy as Hobbs lands on his head. Punk manages to apply a triangle submission hold as Hobbs uses his strength to slam Punk down to the canvas to break the hold. Hobbs now with a few strikes, Punk ones right back as the two continue trading off. Punk gets the upper hand with a spinning roundhouse kick. Hook gets up on the apron as Hobbs runs into him by accident thanks to Punk anticipating the charge and follows up with a successful GTS on Hobbs to pick up the victory.

RATING: 6/10
This was a decent match and I appreciate the psychology laid out early on for Punk but it got repetitive real quick. Add into the mix a few areas that was a bit sloppy, and a scarefest spot where Hobbs landed on his head? Personally I couldn’t wait for this match to end so both men could still walk back to their loved ones on their own. Why am I suddenly thinking about Ryback?

Video package shown of Nyla Rose, Thunder Rosa and Jade Cargill as at some point these three women will collide.

MATCH 2: SUPERKLIQ feat. Adam Cole and “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. Christian Cage, Jungle Boy, and Luchasaurus

Cage and Cole begin this hot tag match as Cole quickly tags in Matt Jackson. Matt gets in a flurry of strikes, followed by a hammer throw to the corner. Christian comes right back with a series of punches to Matt’s face. Diving uppercut is followed up by Christian as he tags in Jungle Boy. Cage and Boy do a series of double team moves. Matt comes back with a double chop to the neck of Jungle Boy as Bucks tag team on him for a bit. Jungle Boy does a pretty step up counter off the ropes to shake off Bucks as he is looking at Adam Cole. He begins to chase him when he’s met with a superkick by the Bucks. Luchasaurus single handily manages to fight them all for a bit but the numbers game is too much on the outside as the pin the reptile. Bucks manage to bounce off the ropes multiple times as Cole holds Jungle Boy in a camel clutch, Bucks continue to be off the ropes, into the ropes, off the ropes, into the ropes, and finally they stop to kiss Cole on the face at the same time before dropkicking Jungle Boy. Now that was funny! Luchasaurus manages to get in the hot tag as he’s cleaning house with clotheslines, strikes and all. Cole gets involved as we see a beautiful series of counters as they all failed to hit Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus tags in Jungle Boy as now we see a series of counters as everyone is looking for their trademark move. We see an excellent series of transitions as Jungle Boy manages to step the back of one of the Bucks, leg scissor takedown the other, goes back to the ones back he stepped on to give him a back suplex, Christian does a diving crossbody splash as Jungle Boy gets a near fall. Jungle Boy looks for the snare trap but the Big LG gets on the rope for a distraction. Matt capitalizes with a superkick as Jungle Boy is sent into the ropes but comes back with a strong clothesline as both men are laid out. Luchasaurus gets the tag as now all men are in the ring and it is an ALL OUT WAR! Chaos erupts outside where it’s a spot fest. Action back inside the ring as Luchasaurus and Cole are the legal men. Cole on the rope turnbuckle as he connects with a Panama Sunrise, Bucks follow with a stereo BTE Trigger, Cole follows up with the BOOM as SUPERKLIQ picks up the dub.

RATING: 8/10
Throughly enjoyed this match. Bucks really brought their A-game for this one. Heck, all the teams did honestly and I loved the great showcase Jungle Boy Perry had this week. He’s really coming into his own as an AEW original and continues to prove to me week in and week out that he has what it takes to be a great singles competitor. In the same breath I also have to give a nod to Luchasaurus as well as he had bright spots in this match too. Jurassic Express surely will become tag champs before Summer 2022 as they’ve been having phenomenal matches. They’ve made great strides in upping their game.

MATCH 3: Chris Jericho and Jake Hager vs. Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky

White hot crowd as Jericho and Sky lock up. Jericho gets in a series of chops followed by a back drop. Jericho follows up with a series of short clotheslines to Scorpio as he tags in Hager. Both men do a double shoulder tackle on Scorpio. Somehow Scorpio tags in Page as Page and Hager now go at it. Double team effort continues being successful for Hager and Jericho. Hager tags in Jericho. Jericho and Page engage in a series of counters with Page countering with a spinning kick to Jericho. Back from commercial break as during the break Men of the Year went to town on Hager who became the legal man. Ethan Page and Scorpio are doing their best to keep Jericho away from getting the tag but it doesn’t work as we soon see him in at the same time Scorpio gets tagged in. Jericho comes in with two shoulder tackles to Scorpio followed by a dropkick to Ethan Page to send him crashing to the floor outside the ring. Jericho gets in the lionsault for a near fall. Hager gets in the tag. Hager connects with a Hagerbomb for a two count. Hager applies an ankle lock while Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho on Page. Dan Lambert jumps on the apron for a distraction. Jericho and Page continuing brawling outside the ring. Hager does a full body slam on Scorpio Sky, follows up with a bounce off the ropes for a big boot to his face. Hager bounces off the ropes from the direction of Dan Lambert as Lambert sweeps at Hager’s leg. Ref doesn’t see this as Scorpio gets in an inside cradle pin for the victory like a thief in the night.

WINNERS: Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page
RATING: 7/10
Decent tag match that honestly benefited Jericho tremendously as he’s slowed down some over the years. Jericho and Hager clicked pretty well in this match. The right team won this week as Men of the Year needed this more to help elevate them for the next few weeks. Add into the mix the whole Top Team alliance and it’s creating interesting friction for fans as far as how will Inner Circle regroup to combat Dan Lambert’s latest alliance? Can Inner Circle even regroup seeing as how they are somewhat in different directions right now.

Post-match Jericho and Hager are surrounded by Top Team as they are overwhelmed by the numbers game and given a vicious beat down.

MATCH 4: Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, Santana, and Ortiz vs. The Butcher, The Blade, and Private Party

Match opens up with all the teams attacking each other. So much action going on it’s hard to keep track of who’s doing what as the fans are loving it. Kind of funny that all four teams are wasted outside the ring as Santana, Ortiz, Penta and Fenix crash into the other men outside the ring at the same time. Fenix ultimately becomes the legal man as Blade and Butcher double team on him, setting him up for a powerbomb by Butcher. Matt Hardy meanwhile is teasing cutting the hair of Santana when Orange Cassidy comes out. Jack Evans tries to meet Cassidy but is met with an Orange Crush punch to leave him laying on the ramp. Back from break as Private Party, Santana and Ortiz are going at it. A fast paced, high energy tag match that ends with Penta and Fenix connecting with the sling blade, and the Fear Factor, followed by Santana and Ortiz connecting with the street sweeper for the victory.

WINNERS: Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, Santana, and Ortiz
RATING: 9/10
Banger tag match and the best tag match of the night. Excellent chemistry, fast paced, high flying action, all these teams brought their own dishes and sides to the table and it made the feast enjoyable.

Backstage Tony Schiavone is interviewing Matt Hardy and Jack Evans. Hardy promises the night isn’t over as Penelope Ford will end the return of Anna Jay. Hardy challenged Cassidy to a Hair vs Hair match against…Jack Evans! I’m dead with laughter!

Sammy Guverra and Fuego comes out next with some signs mocking Miro but little do they know, Miro is behind them as The Redeemer lays waste to both men. Miro sends Fuego crashing over the side of the stage ramp. He soon focuses on Sammy as he puts him in the accolade as Taz and Ricky are laughing at the action with glee.

Video package of Andrade is shown as he is still burned up about Chavo interfering in his match against PAC. Andrade promises he will beat PAC again and this time they’ll be no excuse for losing.

MATCH 5: Anna Jay vs Penelope Ford

Anna doesn’t even wait for Ford to get close to the ring as she charges at her with a forearm strike. Anna tosses her down the ramp and into the ring as the bell finally rings. Ford goes crashing outside the ring as Anna Jay Spears her into the corner. Action now back in the ring as Anna comes in with a flurry of running back elbow strikes. Anna Jay looks for the queenslayer as Bunny comes in for the distraction. Ford attacks from behind and hangs Anna Jay on the ropes. It’s followed up with a boot to the side of her head. Back from break as Anna Jay tried looking for queenslayer but Ford manages to fight it off by backing Anna into the corner. Bunny jumps on the apron screaming as the ref tries to get her to back off. Sadly the ref doesn’t see the brass knuckles she tosses to Penelope Ford as she knocks out Anna Jay to score the pinfall.

WINNER: Penelope Ford
RATING: 5/10
Not a fan of rinse and repeat as I felt there was a glitch in the matrix and I was having dejavu all over again.

Post-match: Both girls beat down Jay when Conti comes out and it’s rinse and repeat like last week as Conti is met with the same fate again. Matt Hardy and the entire HFO come out and set up a wall around the ring, anticipating Orange Cassidy maybe coming out. Sure enough Kris Statlander and Orange Cassidy come out for the save as they are joined by Dark Order, the full Dark Order as the band is back together again! HFO back off as Evil Uno backs off of the reunion. Guess he’s still conflicted with what all has happen the past couple weeks.

Mark Henry interviews Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston, Lance Archer, and Suzuki. This is awesome as Archer talks about Cincinnati being home field advantage for Moxley a few weeks ago but here in the Big Apple, he’s going to put his big boot up his fat ass in the Big Apple. Kingston comes right back talking about how they in New York, straight up bullet talk baby! He’s lost his cool as the interview is over. Moxley is having the same feelings as it’s time for the main event!

MATCH 6: Unsanctioned Lights Out-Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston vs. Minoru Suzuki and Lance Archer

No time wasted as Suzuki and Archer go right after Kingston and Moxley. Suzuki grabs a couple of chairs and tosses one to Moxley as the two go at it. Suzuki wins the chair battle as he has Moxley down and out for a bit. Kingston and Suzuki are now going at it. Both men are exchanging a series of strong chops. Kingston follows up with a sweeping leg takedown. Kingston now brings in a wooden table and plants it in the corner. Suzuki comes back with combination strikes and a kick to Kingston that sends him crashing through the table. Moxley is now in the ring as he goes at it with Archer. Moxley goes to the top rope looking for a cross body but Archer catches him by the throat, series of counters but Archer wins with the boot to the face. Archer is now slugging out ring attendees left and right. Archer chokeslams Archer to the outside of the ring as he luckily falls onto the ring crew. Suzuki and Moxley are now going back and fourth when Archer gets a leather belt and wraps it around the neck of Moxley, sending him over the rope choking him out as we head into our final break. We’re back now as Moxley’s hands have been ducktapped. Suzuki has the leather strap from earlier now and he is giving it to Moxley. Single leg crab applied to Moxley as Archer hits Him in the head and body with a trash can lid. Kingston fights Archer outside the ring but Archer shakes him off. Back in the ring now as Archer and Suzuki continue going to the body of Moxley. Suzuki punches Moxley right in the face followed with with a bite to his forehead. Archer chokes him out briefly as he takes a kendo stick to Moxley’s body. Moxley has a tiny bit of offense as he tries head butting Archer and Suzuki but they quickly counter. Kingston gets back in the ring with a series of chops to Archer followed up with an exploder. Suzuki comes from behind and applies a sleeper. Archer and Suzuki are having their way with both men right now. Suzuki sets up two steel chairs as Archer is about to deliver a devasting move to Kingston when we hear the music of Homicide. Homicide is there as he takes a steel chair to the back of Archer. Homicide frees Moxley as Suzuki tosses him out the ring. Moxley suckers Suzuki as he connects with paradigm shift! Kingston and Moxley double team on Archer. Homicide tosses Kingston a garbage can as he goes to the body of Archer. The garbage can is now out around Archer as Kingston soon gets a kendo stick and like a madman takes it to the body of Archer wildly. Exhausted, Kingston goes for the cover and gets the victory!

WINNERS: Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston
RATING: 8/10
This is the Suzuki we should’ve gotten initially in AEW some weeks back. Tony Khan and AEW really redeemed themselves with how they booked Suzuki on this episode. Add in the touch of hardcore legend Homicide and this made the perfect ingredients of a classic tag match. I love how each man in their own respected way made sure to pay it forward in helping get Suzuki over more with the crowd. Some may say it wasn’t needed but I appreciated the touch in assisting the legend.

End of Show



Far superior episode than the last couple of weeks episodes of RAMAPGE. I really like the fact that Tony Khan and AEW, TNT for that matter are going in with the mindset of having this be a continuation of DYNAMITE. I don’t have a problem with this as it helps continue key story arcs, setup new ones and you get incentives to watch such as Punk wrestling on tv for the first time in seven years. This episode was also a great showcase of the tag team division which has come a long, long way as we’ve got legit and serious contenders of future AEW TAG CHAMPIONS. If this show doesn’t get in the 750K viewers and up for this week I’d be personally shocked.

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