Sanders’ NXT Worlds Collide Review
Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results
Happy Sunday everyone! Lee Sanders here! Most of you know me from my AEW RAMPAGE coverage but I’m making a special appearance this one time only talking NXT Worlds Collide! Talk about a busy weekend but a great one for wrestling fans as tonight will be capped off with AEW ALL OUT! Clash at the Castle from WWE was pretty solid yesterday. Looking forward to seeing if this NXT can capture that same energy. On that note, here we go!
Nice lockup to start the match as both men are trying to hard to maintain dominance. We see a series of head takedowns from both men along with great counters. It’s coming off a bit too choreographed for my liking as Ricochet is finally able to plant him with a dropkick after both men had a heated, and verbal exchange. Ricochet with a series of kicks to the midsection as he tries to bounces off the ropes to kick Carmelo. It’s a no-go as Carmelo gets out of the ring to briefly regroup before going back inside. Ricochet manages to get a headlock on him now as they go off the ropes. Ricochet still has the headlock applied when he’s sent off the ropes and slides out the ring where he exchanged words with Trick Williams. It’s just the opening Carmelo was hoping to get but it’s a no-go as Carmelo continues getting owned physically. Series of chops by the guard rails as Ricochet tosses Carmelo back in the ring. Williams talks trash to Ricochet for a bit as he gets back in the ring as Carmelo blind slides him with a cheap shot to get on the offense for a bit. Carmelo cleans Ricochet head off with a sweet superkick that only gets a near fall. Fans are chanting THIS IS AWESOME and it is so far as we saw both men defy gravity bouncing off the ropes trying to catch each other as Carmelo gets the best of Ricochet with a flying clothesline! Ricochet trying to come back with a series of chops and a double roll-through to by some time of recovery. Ricochet tries bouncing off the ropes but is clotheslined as now both men try clotheslining one another. They both bounce off opposite ends of the ropes to deliver diving cross bodies on one another! Both men appear exhausted as fans are now begging for them to fight forever. Ricochet delivering multiple kicks to the chest of Hayes, followed by a nice step-up dropkick. Carmelo counters a pele kick as we see Ricochet come back with another superkick. Beautiful sequence of offense as Ricochet gets in the recoil for a pinfall. It’s a no-go as Trick Williams pulled on the foot of Carmelo to save his championship reign. Ricochet tries giving chase to Williams and talking trash as Ricochet knocks him on his ass. Ricochet goes back in the ring now. Carmelo takes him down with a hurricana to setup a near fall as we continue on.
Carmelo tries going to the top rope but Ricochet catches him and connects with a superplex. Series of chops from both men now as Carmelo pushes him off and tries to go to the top. Both men are fighting for position as Ricochet lays him out with a spinning kick, and a poisoncarana. Williams tries interfering again as Ricochet slugs him. Ricochet tries to take to the sky for a shooting star but gets caught in an inside cradle as Williams retains!
Winners:Carmelo Hayes (15:00)
Rating: ****
Thoughts: Fantastic banger of an opener! These men had such great synergy and chemistry with one another. They really brought out the best in each other. I’ve been watching Carmelo for a while now and without a doubt he has all the tools necessary to be successful on the main roster. Let’s not take anything away from Ricochet either folks. Matches like this one remind me of how special of a talent Ricochet is as hopefully we’ll see him add on to this.
Footage is shown from earlier in the day as apparently Roderick Strong was beaten up badly. A lot of questions surrounding his health status as he’s unconscious but in stable condition at the hospital. Pretty sure we know who did this to Roderick…
All these men couldn’t wait for the bell to start as they explode on each other as Pretty Deadly look on jubilant at all the carnage. Pretty Deadly play it smart in this opening contest as they stick and move when coming in to get in a few attacks before quickly making their exit. Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs get eliminated first as Mark Coffey breaks up a pin attempt by Jensen. Briggs gets pulled out the ring from his ankles by Pretty Deadly. Jensen tries climbing to the top but gets tripped up as the Gallus boys double team him to eliminate the country boys. Pretty Desdly join forces with Gallus to stomp a mudhole on the Creed Brothers afterwards. Pretty Deadly are happy with themselves when they realize they now have to fight Gallus as they try to hype themselves up to fight. Brutus Creed is having a great and strong showing of offense as he tags in his brother Brutus. Creed Brothers connect with the doomsday device to eliminate Gallus. It’s now down to Creed Brothers and Pretty Deadly. Gallus is pissed off at the results as officials escort them to the back. Brutus is going toe to toe with Pretty Deadly but the numbers game is getting the best of him. The duo is doing a great job isolating Brutus in the corner to keep him away from getting a tag. Julius finally gets in a tag as Prince tries jumping on his back for a rear naked choke. Julius counters out of it and gets Prince in a staling brain buster as he plants Prince with a driver. Julius now with the cover as it gets interrupted by Gallus. How did they even come back to the ring?! They are still hot as officials try to send them to the back. Referee gets taken out in the process as it sets up Pretty Deadly to take advantage for the victory as the Creed Brothers were betrayed by one of their own! Daymond grabbed a steel chair and attacked one of the Creed Brothers from behind to assist Prince in picking up the scraps for the victory.
Winners:Pretty Deadly (15:00)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Forgive me for being vague if I was during that match. I’m not that familiar with all the players in this match but I do know of the Creed Brothers. To the point I was surprised they didn’t win the whole thing as I feel they are that damn good. Pretty Deadly was an interesting way to go on this one. Match itself was great all around but too chaotic for me as it was hard to keep up with everyone. It didn’t help that the commentators didn’t really let you know who was who either and give you backstory.
Meiko and Blair do a great job in double teaming on Mandy off the break to make her a non factor. By the way I’ve never heard a woman in the crowd scream so hard for Mandy Rose. Good Gawd! Meiko invites Mandy into the ring where the two exchange forearm strikes at one another. Mandy explodes off the ropes and lays out Meiko to the canvas. Mandy tries delivering kicks and punches to the face as Satomurs gets up and is laying in uppercuts and kicks to Mandy. Somehow Mandy manages to get in a spinebuster for a cover attempt but it’s broken up by Davenport. Nice Northen lights suplex by Davenport onto Mandy as it gets her a near fall. Davenport takes to the top as Mandy catches her and connects with a superplex. Satomura comes from the opposite corner with a frog splash to save her championship as fans chant WOMENS WRESTLING! Man I love this crowd! Satomura delivers running clotheslines to both women, followed up by kicks to the chests on both women. Rose and Davenport quickly try to work together and double suplex her but Satomura counters with a double ddt. Davenport tries to suplex Mandy but Satomura clubs the hell out of the girls with stiff kicks. Nice twisted driver by Satomura as she goes for a cover that gets broken up by Davenport. Davenport gets in a vicious kick on Satomura and goes for the cover as somehow Satomura kicks out. Davenport connects with a mission dropkick on Satomura as Mandy tried looking for a knee and misses as Satomura connects with the Scorpio rising! Satomura tries to go for the cover as Mandy kicks her silly in the head to end this one as the female fan screams in approval repeatedly…
Winners:Mandy Rose (13:00)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Mandy Rose going over the legend in Satomura and defeating a respected wrestler in Davenport? Talk about a weekend! Mandy continued to crush it week in and week out and has excelled well as champion. I’m just curious though where she goes from here as honestly I was expecting her to lose and maybe take herself, and the whole Toxic Attraction to SMACKDOWN. I’d personally love to see the title taken off of Crying Morgan already. All these women shined big time in this match and all equally got in a good amount of offense. This match felt like something from a SHINE or SHIMMER main event as I got flashbacks. Great match!
Nikki Ash and Katana kick things off for this tag match. Nice innovative offense and tag combo from Kayden and Kayden as Doudrop gets tagged in. Chance tries to leap off the back of Doudrop and gets shoulder tackled for her efforts. Kayden is tagged in as the duo use their quickness to get Doudrop for a quick one count. Kayden tries to go back in as Doudrop connects with a suplex and a double senton on the girls. Nikki is tagged in now as she stomps on the midsection of Chance. Doudrop is tagged back in as Chance tries to fight off Doudrop but is pulled by the ankles from Nikki to the inside of the apron ring. Nikki delivers a series of elbow strikes as Doudrop body splashes Chance. Chance now back in the ring as Doudrop continues her offensive dominance as Nikki tags in and picks up a near fall. Chance is getting her head rattled like a rag doll as Doudrop gets back in and delivers one devastating elbow drop! Chance is trying desperately to tag Doudrop and finally gets an opening to do so as Kayden comes in white hot! Nikki connects with a tornado ddt to pacify Carter as Doudrop and Nikki perform a combo on the the tag champ. Carter manages to get in a backstabber on Nikki as Chance delivers a double stomp. This sets up a cover nearfall as Doudrop gets the tag now. Doudrop sets up Carter for the assdrop as the cover attempt is stopped from Chance. Carter takes to the top rope as Doudrop is fighting her when Jacy and Dolan try to interfere. Nikki quickly exits to fight them off as Doudrop is setup for a powerbomb by Karter, followed up by an air assault from Chance for the champs to retain.
Winners:Chance and Carter (10:00)
Rating: **
Thoughts: Man…Tag champs get their asses handed to them for the entire match as this was too one sided for me. A little bit of offense from the tag champs here and there but Nikki and Doudrop dominated. Tag champs retain thanks to Toxic Attraction. It creates the narrative that the champions been lucky so far versus skilled. It’s a disservice to them to a degree as they are solid in their own right. Weakest match on the card so far to be honest.
Nice lockup from both men as Breakker proves to be too much and out powers the young Russell Crowe look-a-like. Bron with a headlock on Bates now, shoulders down briefly on the mat a couple of times as Bron quickly escapes the pinning predicament. Backslide pin attempt by Bates as Bron kicks out. Both men trying to feel each other out with another lockup as Bate takes him down with a wrist lock. Great bait and switch from Bate as he’s almost playing ring around the Rosie on Bron. Breakker looks on smiling as the two go right back at it. Bate goes back to arm briefly as Breakker connects with a stalling brain buster, followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall. Nice leg scissors takedown from Bate who now bounces off the ropes and crashes into Breakker outside the ring. Action goes back inside the ring as Bate tried looking for a standing shooting star and misses! Breakker tackles Bate in-between the ropes and outside the ring as Breakker gets him back inside. Breakker tries going to the top as Bate climbs up to strike the big man. Breakker manages to fight him off and tries to look for an attack as Bate dodges it. Seems like maybe it was supposed to be a Panama sunrise, not 100% sure as Bate connects with his standing shooting star finally! The man does it with such ease! Bate now with a series of punches to the face and chest. Bron fights him off with a series of strikes as he clotheslines Bate from behind and transitions from a pin attempt into a quick back suplex! Great one fluid motion as both men are now on their knees exchanging blows. Both men are now on their feet as Bron goes for an armbar on Bate in the middle of the ring. Bate somehow manages to hoist up Breakker for a spinning back toss, followed by a bounce off the ropes for a flying clothesline. Pin attempt made by Bate as it’s a near fall. Bate looking for the Tyler Driver 97 and somehow Bron kicks out! Great core strength from Tyler. Bate tries climbing to the top but Bron catches him and sets him up for a powerslam! This one looked to be over as somehow Tyler got his foot up on the ropes in time. Bron takes his strap off and charges at Bate as Bate tries looking for another Tyler Driver! Bron catches him as Bate turns it into a rollup! Bron kicks out as Tyler quickly rushes and bounces off the ropes as Bron spears him just as Bate was looking for the BOOM to end this one!
Winners:Bron Breakker
Rating: ****
Thoughts: Gotta say for as long as I’ve watched Bron, this was his best singles match performance to date. This matchup was far superior than the one with Jordan Delvin some weeks back. You know if Bill Goldberg could’ve had the perfect match with William Regal, I’d imagine it would’ve gone down like what these kids had here tonight. There was never a question in my mind Bron would win this but man Tyler Bate had me on the edge a few times second guessing myself. Bate has continued to be a delight for me to see as I’m very high in the young man. He’s got a great look and is amazing in the ring as tonight he made Bron look good, too damn good as it times it seemed like he had to pull himself back. Would love to see this kid on the main roster one day.
End of Show
For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!
A well put together card for this NXT WORLDS COLLIDE event. The right folks went over as great placeholders if you will while NXT UK is being revamped to NXT EUROPE. And you know all these people that won tonight will play their parts when that launches in a huge way to pay it forward. High point for me was Bron vs Bate as it took me by surprise of being so good. Low point sadly goes to the womens tag match. NXT 2.0 is finally starting to find its groove and winning me back over again. For those that haven’t watched the product since it became 2.0, you’ll find this ppv event as a nice throwback with a twist to the NXT of old.