AEW Rampage

Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 1.06.23

Hello and Good Friday my friends and Happy New Year! Lee Sanders back with you all as we’re getting a two hour block of AEW programming tonight. I’m covering AEW RAMPAGE while Jeremy covers AEW BATTLE FOR THE BELTS immediately after RAMPAGE. So buckle up baby, we’re about to have loads fun!

Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Chris Jericho


TOP FLIGHT get the jump on Moxley and Danielson outside the ring before the match begins as Moxley and Darius continue the action inside the ring where the bell officially rings and the match is underway. Darius with a back suplex on Moxley as Dante delivers a senton and backflip splash onto Moxley. Dante for the cover as Moxley quickly kicks out. Danielson with the tag now as he delivers swift and quick kicks to the back of Dante. Dante in the corner now as Danielson delivers his trademark YES kicks! Danielson now with a series of knife-edge chops and kicks, followed by ten punches to the head, and a leg scissors takedown. Dante lands on his feet, leapfrogs over Danielson as Danielson plants him with a dropkick. Darius gets the tag as does Moxley as Moxley delivers a kick to the midsection of Dante. All four men are now inside the ring just brawling to the excitement of the fans. All four men are soon outside the ring as Moxley tosses Dante into the barricades. Moxley follows up by planting Darius on a steel chair and delivering a set of dropkicks. Meanwhile, Danielson gets Dante back in the ring and sets him up for the Romero special. Headlock soon follows with elbow strikes to the head as Moxley gets the tag. Moxley delivers strong, stiff kicks to the chest of Dante. It’s a nice setup for a superplex by Moxley as Dante kicks out. Danielson with the tag now as he delivers a stomp onto the head of Dante as we head into our first set of commercial breaks. We are back folks! Tag action by Moxley and Danielson as they deliver kick, after kick, after kick. They go for one more set of kicks as Dante moves out the way to have Danielson and Moxley kick each other in the kneecaps by accident. Darius gets the hot tag as he and Danielson are going at it now. Danielson with kicks to the chest as Darius talks trash, begging him to come at him harder. Nice Spanish fly reversal by Darius as both men lay on the ground briefly. Moxley with the tag right as Dante gets a tag as well. Dante with a dive from the top rope to ground Moxley as Dante looks for a cover attempt. It’s a kick out as all four men get in the ring now as Darius plants Danielson with a half & half. Dante drops Moxley for a cover and it’s a kick out. Dante connects with a nice frog splash as Moxley baited him as he goes for an arm hold. It transitions into Moxley delivering his trademark elbow strikes. Series of counters as Moxley lays out Dante with a King Kong lariat for another near fall! Danielson with the tag as Top Flight is taking the action to both men. Danielson with the flying knee to Darius as Dante breaks it up. Dante sent over the ropes as Darius gets a spinning kick to the head. Moxley delivers a double sledge to Dante! Danielson stomps on the face of Darius as he sets him up for a submission hold to score the victory.

Winner:Moxley and Danielson (16:00)
Rating: ****
BANGER! BANGER! BANGER! Fantastic opener to kick out two hours of AEW programming. Top Flight continues to impress the heck out of me as this match alone was probably their biggest test to date. They passed it with flying colors in working with the veterans here in Moxley and Danielson. I could legit hear the excitement in Jericho’s voice in him liking what he was seeing. Don’t be too surprised if in the very near future Jericho tries to work a program with them!

We are back as Hangman Adam Page holds the papers in his hands that clears him to wrestle. Hangman wants Moxley to remember the ass-whooping he will give to Moxley as he talks about having it recorded on VHS so that Moxley and the Combat Club can watch it over and over again with MMA footage. They can enjoy it while they look at porn. What the… Say man err—what?


All out brawl as Hayter and Baker jump the sisters. Robin and Hayter are the legal women as Robin gets in a set of double knees, followed by a drop kick on Hayter. Immediately Robin goes for the cover and pin attempt as Hayter kicks out. Double chops to Hayter from the sisters as Charlette gets the tag briefly. The sisters try to setup Hayter for a double suplex as Hayter reverses it to lay them both down on the canvas. Hayter stomping on the face and neck of Robin who’s the legal woman. Britt Baker with the tag as she’s laying elbow strikes, after elbow strikes on Robin. Britt drops Robin with a sling blade as we head into another set of ad breaks. We are back as Robin tries to make a tag to her sister and succeeds as Charlette delivers a spinebuster to Britt Baker after tagging. Britt is planted with a fisherman suplex as Britt kicks out! Nice double underhook by Baker as Hayter gets inside and delivers the Haytbreaker on Robin. Hayter and Baker combine for their signature kneebreaker and low lariat as Baker finishes it off with the curb stomp for the victory!

Winner:Britt Baker and Jaime Hayter (8:00)
Rating: ****
Another banger! Good GAWD! I’ve been keeping tabs of the twins via the YouTube shows. They have been coming along and for me I think this was a nice test for them on actual television. They looked very well polished and hanged in their big time with Hayter and Baker. Say what you will about Britt Baker but there is no denying that she seems to be most comfortable and more on point in her tag matches with Hayter. I have yet to see these girls involved in a bad tag match. It’s not everyday by the way you get to work with twins. Here’s hoping that Tony Khan and crew figure out ways to have the Renegade twins on tv regularly in 2023 cause I love them! The girls rock!

House of Black promo now as Malakai is disgusted by the current Eddie Kingston he’s seeing. He misses the Kingston that was crazy and sadistic. A year ago they told Kingston they would turn his eyes black. They feel Edie is sick but they have the cure. Apparently they are there to help him. Talk about a nice recruitment pitch.


Annnnd Sonico is planted with a spinebuster. This is followed by a full nelson and a disqus lararit to end this one. Sonico’s mask is ripped off Post-match as the fans are livid. Sonico’s corpse is dragged up the ramp while Sonico holds on to his face like he’s the Masked Phantom.

Winner:Preston Vance (40 seconds)
Rating: NR
Nothing much here except the typical way to put over a big man. Have him face a small guy, one who is beloved as the crowd here really love Sonico. Smart move as it paid off for Preston Vance. That name…We gotta change that.

Mike Bennett and Darby Allin footage is shown from Wednesday’s DYNAMITE as Bennett confronts Darby shortly after Darby’s TNT Title win. Bennett wants Darby at RAMPAGE as Darby accepts as our main event is announced. Oh this is gonna be good!


Both men are feeling each other out as we soon see them head outside the ring. Bennett with a high boot to the jaw of Darby. Darby sent crashing into the barricades as another boot to the face is delivered. Bennett with a big shot to the jaw as he tosses Darby back inside the ring. Darby comes right back with a dropkick to send Bennett to the floor. Allin follows up with a senton through the ropes to crash into Matt Taven. Bennett rebounds as he delivers a Russian leg sweep as both men go crashing to the floor outside the ring as we head into our last set of breaks. We are back as Bennett delivers a death valley driver on Darby. The crowd is white hot as they are chanting on Darby. Bennett plants Darby with an armbar as Darby transitions out of it to get his foot onto the ropes for the break. Darby sends Bennett back into the barricades as he grabs a steel chair to send Taven backing off. The challenger is seated on a steel chair as Darby climbs up to the top rope to deliver a dropkick! What an insane spot right here folks as this was sweet! Bennett tossed back inside as Darby climbs up to the top while Maria Kanellis runs in to cover her husband. Darby climbs up anyway as Taven delivers an enziguri to Darby! This has Bennett capitalize with a piledriver for a kickout! Bennett can’t believe it as he places Darby on the top turnbuckle. Whatever Mike is looking for gets countered as Darby rams Mike’s head into the pads to plant him with an avalanche code red! Darby races to the opposite corner to deliver a coffin drop to retain his title successfully!

Winner:Darby Allin (11:00)
BANGER! BANGER! BANGER! Darby coming out with a great title defense. The young man continues to prove how versatile he can be depending on the opponent. Not sure where the heck Mike Bennett has been as we haven’t seen him, Maria or Taven on AEW TV in months. Bennett was a solid opponent for Darby’s first title defense to ring in the new year. Wouldn’t mind seeing these two run this one back.

End of Show

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on Enjoy the weekend y’all!



From top to bottom a fantastic show where honestly the only match I could’ve done without was Preston Vance vs Sonico. That to the side, this was one of the strongest RAMPAGES I’ve seen in recent memory and dare I say the highest rating overall I’ve given. Tony Khan is really finding the right formula and I love the fact that he can now essentially plug in Orange Cassidy or Darby Allin on Fridays. Tony Khan should definitely continue to build high quality shows like what he’s been stringing together these past couple of weeks, off of these men but never have them on the same show. Not right now as I’m going to make a bold prediction which is eventually we will see Orange Cassidy and Darby Allin collide. It’s going to be a WINNER-TAKES-ALL match. I’m totally down for it if it happens but it’s gotta be done just right. Talk about a fast hour of high energy, and excellent entertainment. Dare I say the most enjoyable thing I’ve seen all week? Even better than a certain NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 17 debut. What you 411MANIACS think? Sound off! For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on Enjoy the weekend y’all!

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