Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 10.6.23
Hello my friends! A very sick Lee Sanders with you all this Friday. Shoutout to Jeremy Thomas for filling in for me last week. Sadly I still have not fully recovered as I’m battling the effects of catching COVID. By the time I realized what was going on, my wife sadly was hit with the virus. It’s been a slow recovery as I’m very weak, bones aching and the whole nine yards. Tonight is going to be an abbreviation review and recap that you’re accustomed to but we’ll still have fun as tonight is AEW RAMPAGE. We’re days removed from Edge Adam Copeland joining the company and making his Dynamite debut. Tonight’s RAMPAGE is setting the tone for his Collision debut in less than 24 hours. Let’s jump into the action already! Hope you all been well!
Commentators: Excalibur and Tony Schiavone
Venue: Stockton Arena
Location: Stockton, CA
Angelo and Chuck open this up. Nice arm drag takedowns by Chuck as Trent is tagged. Angelo tags in Garcia while Trent tags Jeff Hardy. A dance off between the two occurs when Menard attacks Jeff from behind. Matt Hardy gets a bit of retribution on Menard when Hager is tagged. It’s a handicap in the corner as Jeff is getting mauled! Menard with a few stomps on Jeff as Hager is tagged and stomps on Jeff Hardy as well. Great job by the heels isolating Hardy. Jeff reverses an attack from Garcia as it’s his opening to tag Beretta. Series of German suplexes connect from Berretta as he launches a thrust kick to follow up. Death Valley driver connects as well as soon we see all eight men fighting one another in various corners. The referee has lost control big time! The babyfaces clean house as they all go for a four-way hug to the pop of fans as we head into our first set of ad breaks. We are back as Parker and Menard have cut the ring off from Berretta during the break. Berretta manages to create an opening for himself as Matt Hardy is tagged. Matt dishing out bodyslams and side effects as he goes for a near fall cover on Garcia. Hardy with an elbow to the base of the neck of Garcia. Hardy thinking twist of fate when Angelo and Menard stop him. The trio takes turns strong-whipping one another into the corner where Matt jumped in a great sequence of elbow strikes, and a toe-hold takedown. Great elbow to the lower back combo from Menard and Parker. Hager caps it off with the Hager bomb as Garcia gets a near fall! Jeff Hardy breaking the pin up just in time! Parker gets side-stepped by Trent as he’s taken down by a spinning ddt. Menard follows up on Trent with a powerbomb as Jeff connects with the twist of fate on him. Garcia lays out Jeff with a shotgun dropkick! Matt tries for the twist of fate but is reversed by Garcia. Matt manages to use his leg strength to shove Garcia into Menard who bumps into Anna Jay. It’s a beautiful disaster as Matt connects with twist of fate on Garcia! Trent follows up to allow Jeff to connect with the Swanson Bomb for the victory.
Winner:Team Best Friends (15 minutes)
Solid opener.
Eddie Kingston is backstage with Rene Paquette as he’s happy to be on tonight for a fatal-four-way dance. It’s a shot for his ROH championship. Team Jarrett comes in and talks about Jay Lethal deserving a shot for the title. Kingston wants for Lethal to prove he’s deserving and walks away. Stokley Hathaway walks in to whisper something in Sonjay’s ear. Whatever it was Sonjay likes it as he agrees to work with Stokley. Wonder what that was all about?
Video package is shown of Danhausen as it has a cool Svengolie vibe to it as he’s very nice and very evil. On to our next match up!
Why Levi look like Dave Pourtnoy the pizza review guy from Barstool Sports?! Yuta and Levi lock up. Yuta putting Levi’s arm in a series of stretches early on. Nice transition into a front face look as soon the two are back at a vertical base. Yuta takes him down with a series of strikes and a swinging neckbreaker. Claudio tagged as he delivers a big clothesline onto Levi. Wise Guy tries getting in but Yuta kicks and stomps on him silly! Claudio with the giant swing/dropkick combo. Claudio with a baseball sliding kick on Wise Guy to send him crashing outside the ring. A fastball special follows to end this one.
Winner:Claudio and Yuta (3 minutes)
Backstage, Rene is with Angelo, Menard, Hager, and Garcia. Garcia catches heat for dancing throughout the match and not being focused enough on team work. They failed tonight big time as they are on their way to take Anna to the hospital. Trouble in paradise for Garcia.
Komander with a kick to Johnny as Penta follows up with a sling blade. Penta tries for it again but Johnny dodged the move. Komander and Lince with a stereo suicide dive between the ropes onto Johnny and Penta! Lince and Komander now going at it as we see a monkey flip attempt by Komander as Lince comes to his feet like a cat. Lince with a backbreaker as he soon gets distracted by Aaron Solo as Johnny kicks Lince silly in the face. Penta with a thrust kick to Johnny. Johnny comes back with a kick of his own as Johnny’s attempt at a destroyer is reversed by Penta. Penta crashing into Lince and Komander from over the ropes as Johnny attacks him from behind. Some great action here as we head into our next set of commercials. Johnny with a nice fireman’s carry on Lince. Pin attempt made as Komander breaks it up. Komander going in with nice body strikes on Johnny TV. Johnny comes back with a powerslam as he tries looking for starship pain but is rolled up by Komander. Johnny breaks free as the action moves to the top rope where Komander pushes Johnny off. Lince climbs and gives some type of an assist to Komander for an air assault on Johnny that does connect. Penta and Lince brawl for a bit as Lince connects with a moonsault on Penta and Johnny. Komander follows up by running the ropes and delivering a back moonsault of his own! Komander with the 450 splash on Lince to pick up the win.
Winner:Komander (7 minutes)
Damn good match! Love that Komander as I’m happy to see him get a shot at a major title within ROH and AEW. Should be a good one.
Ortiz joins us now as he is tired of the disrespect Santana has for him and the fans. Ortiz promises to expose Santana for the fraud that he is even if it means hurting him big time.
Excalibur with a rundown for Saturday’s Collision. Don’t forget folks it comes on at a special start time of 7pm ET. Also, Dynamite is on this coming Tuesday at 8pm ET.
Shida and Statlander are jumped from behind as the referee somehow manages enough control to start the match. Nyla is ramming Statlander into a series of barricades outside the ring. Meanwhile, Marina is trying for a series of arm submission holds. Shida somehow gets to the ropes and gets the rope break. Nyla tagged as she’s clubbing on the back of Shida before a scoop slam and leg drop. Lazy cover attempt made as Shida kicks out. Marina tagged as she goes right to the body of Shida before a judo takedown, and kicks to the back. Shida coming back with strikes of all types to drive down Marina. It’s followed by an elbow strike and pin attempt as Marina kicks out. Nyla attacks from behind as Marina drives Shida to the canvas with a back suplex. Statlander sent crashing into the barricades again as we head into our final set of commercials. Our main event continues as Shida gets a huge opening by connecting with a double crossbody to tag in Statlander. It’s Statlander’s first time tagged in as she’s coming in with clotheslines and all to both girls. Nice roundhouse kick and body slam to Shafir as Nyla comes back on the rebound. Statlander with a body slam as Nyla kicks out again. Marina tries clutching to the foot of Statlander as this helps Nyla clothesline Kris like there’s no tomorrow. Cover as the champion kicks out. Marina back in as she delivers punches to the kidneys and back of Kris. Another cover attempt as Shida breaks it up. Marina with a blue Thunder bomb as Nyla comes in but takes a roundhouse kick. Shida tagged now as she connects with a diving crossbody onto Marina and Rose on the outside. Shida with a falcon arrow on Marina as somehow Marina kicks out! Nyla attacks Shida from behind as she was climbing the ropes. Nyla tries climb the ropes, possibly trying to deliver a leg drop onto Shida who is dangled on the top rope. Statlander comes from behind as Kris and Shida combine for the doomsday device! Shida with the spinning katana on Marina followed by the knightcap to end this one.
Winner:Shida & Statlander (9 minutes)
Solid action all the way around from the girls. Great buildup for Shida vs Baker in the coming days.
End of Show
For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!
Pretty fast and solid hour of action this week. No complaints whatsoever. May not be remember it in a week or two but that’s okay. If you have it in your dvr, go check it out. For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!