Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 9.22.23
Hello again friends! Lee Sanders with you all as this Friday AEW is giving us a special 2-hour edition of AEW RAMPAGE. Grand Slam week continues as RAMPAGE is loaded up with a solid card tonight. Glad you’re spending part of your weekend with us. Let’s jump right into the action!
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Ian Riccaboni
Venue: Arthur Ashe Stadium
Location: New York, NY
Darby is wasting no time jumping on Luchasaurus while Sting pounces on Cage as the referee barely is able to maintain order to start the match. Despite the bell ringing, all four men spill outside the ring where Darby is sent face first into a steel post by Luchasaurus! Sting goes to check on Darby as Luchasaurus grabs hold of him and drags him into the ring. How this went down without Sting getting the legal tag in the process is beyond me as Sting wasn’t even jumped. Luchasaurus is having his way with the young devil as he tosses him around a bit before Cage gets the tag. Darby sent into the ropes as Darby rebounds with a springboard back assault. Sting was looking for the tag when Luchasaurus attacks The Icon to deny him as we head into our first set of ad breaks. We are back as Cage nearly had the pinfall victory as Darby kicks out. Luchasaurus tagged back in as he tries chokeslaming Darby. Darby counters it as he tries going to the ropes where Cage catches him with a back-head snap on the top ropes. Luchasaurus follows up with a chokeslam as Cage is tagged. Cage tries for a diving headbutt but no one is home. Darby tries for a sunset flip on Cage but settles for the hot tag to Sting instead as The Icon comes in hot! Stinger splash to Cage and Luchasaurus followed by a scorpion death drop on Cage. Scorpion death coffin drop combo follows on Luchasaurus which is a great spot! Darby with the shotgun dropkick on Cage as Sting goes for Luchasaurus. Action back inside the ring where Cage delivers a poke to the eyes of Darby and is looking for the killswitch when Nick Wayne jumps on the apron for the distraction. It’s successful as Darby gets a jacknife rollup pinfall victory!
Winner:Sting & Darby Allin (9 minutes)
Solid opener. I love that we have continued drama and friction added between Wayne and Cage. It’s been making great tv the past few weeks. Add into the mix friction and anticipation for the triple threat match for the TNT title on Collision this Saturday, and everything gelled well in this match.
Mind games played by Parker and Menard as HOOK gets REDRUM applied. Menard slips out to tag in Anna Jay as Statlander comes in now. Kick in the corner by Anna as she tried looking for the Jay kick as Statlander blocks it successfully. Statlander with a delayed vertical suplex as Jake Hager clotheslines Cassidy from out of nowhere while the referee is focusing on the in-ring action. Parker is tagged somehow in the mix as HOOK becomes the legal man. Parker delivering back suplexes on HOOK, applying pressure early here. Menard tagged as they combine for a running kick to the head combo as we head into our next set of commercials. AEW Grand Slam Rampage continues as Cassidy gets the tag as he’s bouncing the heads of Menard and Parker on the corner posts. Double dropkick connects as Cassidy delivers a successful dive onto Hager. HOOK getting in for the assist as everyone gets in now for a triple suplex on Menard, Parker, and Anna Jay. Parker ducks the orange punch as Menard applies a drop-toe-hold while Parker connects with a beautiful elbow drop. HOOK captures Parker in a t-bone suplex. HOOK is delivering suplexes left and right as Hager tries to interfere. Cassidy catches Hager off guard with an orange punch while Anna jumps on Cassidy’s back, trying to choke him out. Statlander comes from behind and plants her with a face buster as Parker is taken out with the orange punch for the victory.
Winner:Cassidy, Statlander, HOOK (12 minutes)
Decent trios action and a nice change of pace for Cassidy and Statlander. You almost forget that at one part she used to run deep with Cassidy and Best Friends. Some may not like seeing Statlander involved in this since she’s been on a role as singles champion with the TBS Championship but I welcome the change of pace.
QTV segment time as this segment is showing more highlights of QT Marshall wrestling outside of AEW. Johnny TV reads a text message from QT as he needs a tag partner for next week. Johnny feels he’s the man for the job as he rolls out to prepare.
Tony Schiavone is in the ring now to welcome Don “Crickets” Callis as the crowd is quiet (except for one fan booing). Callis recollects on how a few weeks ago the wrestling world was in a buzz on his pursuit of Chris Jericho. True, he didn’t end up with Jericho but he ended up with the man he really wanted, Sammy Guevara! Speaking of Sammy, the young man comes out looking like a Miami Vice drug lord. Sammy gives a decent amount of boos as he admits how he hated Callis as much as the fans hate him. Sammy realizes Don wasn’t trying to hurt his family, but in fact show him how he never had one. The reason for turning on Jericho? Simple, Jericho has held him back for years and taken him for granted. Far as Sammy is concerned he doesn’t need the fans as he has his wife, kid, and a fat paycheck. Chris Jericho is dead to Sammy Guevara as he never wants to see him again! Amazing how the song Judas plays as that’s the perfect song for Sammy at this time. Jericho come out cleaning house as he’s about to get his hands on Callis. Takeshita catches him off guard with a steel chair to the back! Sammy takes that same chair and bashes Jericho with it as even Callis gets in on the action. Callis is about to stab Jericho in the forehead with a screwdriver when Kenny Omega comes out for the save! Omega with a steel pipe in hand as he comes to the aid of Chris Jericho. These two men betrayed by Don Callis are now on the same side? What a turn of events! Jericho comes to his feet and bumps into Omega as the two stare each other down. Omega makes his leave as they continue looking at one another. Nice developing story here folks!
Alex Marvel catches up with Omega as Jericho interrupts to mention how their feud brought fourth AEW. Far as Jericho is concerned, Sammy is a true Judas as he recommends he (Jericho) and Omega should team up to take out the Don Callis family. Kona Ibushi’s name is thrown into the mix as it appears the babyfaces want a trios match at the WrestleDream ppv. To be continued people. More in-ring action is underway!
Winner:The Righteous (7 minutes)
Not well organized and all over the place. Felt like a battle royal match. This will be controversial for those who watched this match and wonder why I gave it the rating I did. For starters the rules were not made perfectly clear for this match. Critical as at the start all the teams were going at it and you assumed that it was first team to score pinfall or submission wins. It wasn’t until the match was practically over, and you saw someone tagging themselves in by tagging someone out, what was going on. Also, this match was a big ol’ spot fest. Go back and watch, spot, after spot, after spot. Dutch did pretty good as I like his Big Bossman slams. Righteous winning? I’m just not sure about it as I felt Kingdom made more sense storyline wise and their history with Adam Cole. Very curious to see how the promos go between Righteous and MJF/Cole.
Post-match, Kingdom beats up Best Friends, not Hardys or The Kingdom. Sure, whatever man.
Our second hour of AEW RAMPAGE continues as Mike Santana cuts another vignette talking about how he’s hungrier than ever. If. You get between him and his money, he’s going to put you down! Mike promises he’s going to get his so you better get down or lay down!
Alex Reynolds and Max Caster kick things off as Reynolds sends Caster into the ropes. Caster with a shoulder tackle, followed by a backhand and a pretty arm drag. John Silver now the legal man as he throws some of the weakest and clear as day not connected punches. Woof! Bowens tagged in now as he smacks Silver up a bit before Daddy Ass is tagged. Daddy with the scoop slam as Bowens is attacked from behind. Dark Order mock the Acclaimed by doing the scissors gesture as we head into another set of ad breaks. Action continues on Rampage as Caster takes kicks to the chest by Silver. Silver follows up with a roundhouse kick. Caster back to a vertical base as he throws some right hands. Silver, quickly with a reach around suplex as Uno is tagged. Uno driving his boot into the chest of Caster repeatedly. Reynolds tagged as he delivers a driving knee to the chest of Caster. Reynolds raking the eyes as Uno is tagged back in as the two Dark Order members deliver back elbows and running clotheslines. Somehow Caster kicks out from Reynold’s pin attempt. Reynolds with a cheap attack on Bowens as he talks trash to Daddy Ass. Caster somehow makes the a tag as Daddy comes in cleaning house! Nice back body drop on Reynolds. Famasser attempt missed but not the clothesline as Billy Gunn connects. Reynolds tries for an inside cradle on Reynolds after he’s tagged in but no mas! Bowens quickly kicks out as both men come to a vertical base. Bowens planting chop after chop and a superkick for a four-piece combo. Bowens with the arrival as Caster applies the mic drop but Silver breaks up the pin attempt! Evil Uno grabs the tag title as referee is distracted. Uno takes it to the head of Caster as Reynolds goes in for the cover. Caster kicks out! Caster kicks out! Billy Gunn clotheslines the hell out of Uno as Silver crashes into him from the side apron. Silver and Reynolds with their trademark combo as Caster gets in a famasser from out of nowhere on Reynolds as Acclaimed combine for a inverted back suplex combo to retain.
Winner:The Acclaimed (12 minutes)
Solid opener for the second hour. I damn near had a heart attack as I thought Dark Order was going to win the titles. I’m still in the Honeymoon period of Acclaimedas our new Trios Champs. Dark Order put up on helluva effort in a challenge for Acclaimed. I’m still very high on Silver and Reynolds but maybe, just maybe it is time they break away from Evil Uno? Nothing personal but the man brings nothing to the table for me. Maybe I’m missing something. Sound off folks.
Side note, congrats to Julia on her engagement to fellow AEW wrestler Lee Johnson. They make a cute couple. Both girls take their hats off like they are the Undertaker or something. They try for a collar/elbow tie-up at the same time but fake each other out. Julia with an open handed slap that has Skye deliver rapid attacks and a knee strike. Nice snap suplex follows as the leg is hooked, and Julia kicks out. Skye with another cover attempt but it fails as she sends Julia into the turnbuckle pad, face first! Skye charges and misses as Julia trips her as a hair pull follows. Skye is grounded big time as we head into another set of commercials. We are back as both women are slugging it out! Skye with an enziguri after a series of kicks as she gets another near fall. Skye tries taking to the sky as Julia trips her up as both women are now exchanging blows from the top rope. Julia is barely hanging on as her leg is clipped between the ropes. Turns out she was baiting Skye as Skye was looking for a superplex but no one was home as Skye went flying and crashing hard onto the canvas. Julia with a moonsault pin that’s a two count. Julia with a shot to the back of the head and the heartless submission to force the tap out! Gawd damn that was good! Twenty-five wins for Julia!
Winner:Julia Hart (6 minutes)
Great effort by both girls. Julia is growing on me big time as an in-ring competitor. Her personality however is still lacking. How she was able to get up to twenty five wins, and quietly is honestly laughable. I need more love for my girl Skye Blue though. You all doing my girl dirty, no respect I tell you!
Post match, Julia continues the assault as Willow comes out (wearing a cute dress) for the save. Julia wants no part as she runs behind the Brody King. So I guess Willow will end the streak? Willow will be the one in 25-1? Ohhhhhhh Yesssssssss!!!
Santana receiving a great ovation from the crowd as we get a lockup. Bronson with a solid right to the face. Bronson taking it right to Santana with a continuation of right hands. Santana with chops and a boot to the stomach, followed by a roll-through cutter, and a short lariat! Santana with a tope suicida on Bronson tot he outside. Action back in the ring as Santana connects with a cannonball and a double underhook / face buster for the win.
Winner:Santana (2 minutes)
Santana looked good in his first renewed singles match. Nothing more to say.
Santana can’t celebrate too long as Ortiz is out at the stage ramp. The two are talking as Santana leaves him hanging by walking pass him. Ortiz nods his head as he storms off. Looks like what was said online this week by the two was for a story arc after all folks. From what I heard as most of the audio was inaudible, it sounded like Ortiz was saying to Santana, so it’s like that huh? Yeah Ortiz, it’s like that my man.
Embassy taking advantage of the handshake as after the bell rings, Embassy cheap attacks Bucks and Hangman, Bishop Khan’s legs grabbed by Bucks from outside the ring as Hangman connects with a high boot, followed by a shooting star press! This comes after Bucks deliver a double dropkick on Brian Cage. Nick Jackson with a kick to Tona Liona, followed by a back flip, and a a destroyer on Cage! No cover attempt yet as they calling for the BTE trigger when Swerve Strickland comes out. Prince Nana dancing right on cue and I fricking love it man! I need that man to show me how to do them moves! Hangman walks towards Swerve as Liona attacks Nick from behind, while Matt is isolated. Matt is set up by Khan, Liona, and Cage for a powerbomb! Hangman breaks the pin attempt just in time as Matt tries fighting off Liona and Khan but he’s no match for their size and strength as we head into our final set of ad breaks. We are back as Matt delivers a crossbody into Liona and Khan! It’s the opening he needs to tag Hangman. Hangman with a high boot to Cage, lariat on Khan, and moonsault on Cage for a near fall.Bucks throw themselves at Gates of Agony while Cage hits Hangman with a devastating powerbomb for a close pin fall. Cage picking up Hangman on his shoulders as Hangman reverses with a hurricana! Bucks follow up with superkicks on everyone! Embassy connects with a fireman’s carry on all three men as we see the challengers piling on Hangman as Nick breaks up another pin attempt. Bucks with another series of superkicks as Hangman comes in with a double buckshot lariat on Gates of Agony! Hangman catches Cage for the Jedi as it’s yet another near fall as Swerve is coming closer to the ring. Hangman misses the lariat as Cage hits him with a lariat of his own. Cage looking for the drill cloak as Hangman reverses the attempt into a rollup pin for the win.
Winners: And new ROH SIX-man tag champions: Hangman and Young Bucks (14 minutes)
Fantastic main event match as new champs are crowned. A very smart move by Tony Khan and crew as you want to continue creating reasons why fans need to get a subscription for Ring of Honor while at the same time giving AEW fans their fair share to access of the talents as well. Incorporating your key main event players is critical to the continuing development of growing your audience.
End of Show
The first hour flew by so fast. The second hour not as much. Maybe it’s my old age catching up to me, I am not sure. Two hours honestly wasn’t needed but overall the in-ring action was solid. Wish we could’ve got one more womens match on this card but we got to see all our favorites for the most part. This Collision did a superb job in building up the card for Collision and the WrestleDream ppv. That ppv is looking pretty stacked as I’m pretty excited to check it out. Tony Khan and crew are finally starting to find the right and fair balance of utilizing ROH talent within reason while pleasing the hardcore AEW fan at the same time. This Rampage is worth checking out when you get a chance as you can fast forward the commercials. Let’s just not make two hours a regular thing, mmmm okay? For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!