AEW Rampage

Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 3.11.22

And a Happy Friday to you all as the weekend is upon us! Lee Sanders here and it’s time, it’s time, it’s RAMPAGE time! Hey don’t forget next Fridays’ RAMPAGE on March 18th will be on at 11:30pm ET because of the NCAA March Madness action so set your DVR. RAMPAGE this week looks to be solid as tonight we’ll be seeing Keith Lee vs. QT Marshall. Mercedes Martinez vs. Jamie Hayter. Meanwhile, Darby Allin is in action against Marq Quen. Swerve Strickland makes his in-ring AEW debut against Tony Nese.

Commentators: Excalibur, Ricky Starks, and Taz


No in-ring entrances when this weeks episode comes on as our participants are already in the ring as the match is underway. After a bit of action outside the ring, we go back inside as Quen is on the offense. Boot planted on the jaw of Darby in the corner before strong whipping him into the corner. Body shots followed up by Quen as he’s feeling himself and his work. Little showboating going on before driving his shoulder in the stomach of Allin. Now an abdominal stretch applied as Quen tries to go for the ropes for leverage. Referee catches him on the second attempt and breaks it as Darby breaks free briefly with a hip toss. We’re now going into a commercial break as Darby manages to twist Quen’s arm and slams it against the ropes. Quen is only down briefly as he’s still continuing on with the assault. Back from commercial as Darby and Quen are fighting on the top turnbuckle. Darby connects with a super suplex, goes for a cover and it’s a near fall. Darby applies a fujiwar armbar, and transitions into a front face lock. Quen tries muscling Darby out of the hold and connects with a backflip knee drop! Cover attempt and it’s a near fall! Quen tries attacking Darby in the corner as he applies a backflip flatliner! Pretty well executed move as the fans are loving this match. Quen now with a stalling suplex but Darby counters it into a Scorpion death drop. Both men are down on the canvas as the ref counts them down. Darby tries looking for the coffin drop but is interrupted by Isiah Kassidy. Sting sees this, and yanks Kassidy down by his ankles and proceeds to send him crashing into a barricade. Quen pushes Darby onto the ropes as Darby hurts his midsection in the process. Quen follows up with a 450 splash off the turnbuckle to Allin who’s on the floor. Just insane of a spot folks! Darby beats the count as Quen goes for a cover and it’s a kick out! Quen now to the top, looking for a shooting star press as Darby moves out the way and counters it with a fujiwar armbar to make Quen tap out!

Winner:Darby Allin (14:00)
Rating: ***
Man oh man what an opener!! Darby is such a fantastic wrestler as this match is one of many that showcases his skills. He really is a Jack of all trades as he can just go with pure spots and stunts, some crazy theatrics, etc. For me personally I love his mat game. Excellent dance partner in Mark Quen too as he and Isiah have been on a roll as of late.

Post-match Andrade, Butcher, Blade, and Bunny come down, looking to beat up Sting and Darby. Wait a minute! The music of the Hardys play as Matt and Jeff come out to a great ovation as they are wearing almost their retro outfits somewhat. AFO quickly make their exit as Darby continues his trance stare on Jeff from DYNAMITE this past week.

Scorpio Sky has words for Wardlow this coming Wednesday on DYNAMITE. He proclaims there’s no way he’s going to be a one-hit wonder of a champion. He seeks to defend his championship successfully and keep his winning streak alive. We shall see…

Malakai Black promises to make someone’s eyes turn black again now that they are pass Death Triangle. Who could the be referencing?


Once again no entrances as we join these women right as the bell rings. They kick things off with a lockup in a test of strength. They are going around the ring while locked up as Britt Baker looks on. Mercedes finally is on the offense as she’s delivering strikes before sending Hayter into the corner. Mercedes tries charging as Hayter gets a boot up. Hayter strong whips Mercedes into the corner and tries to charge her. Mercedes gets a boot up in time and delivers elbows to Hayter. Hayter comes back with a rake to the eyes. Hayter connects with a backbreaker followed by a nice strong haymaker to Mercedes’ face that lays her out. Martinez finds herself in the corner as Hayter charges at her but misses as Mercedes gets a boot up to her face. Martinez follows up with an overhead throw that has Hayter crashing off the ropes, and to the canvas. Martinez gets her on the top rope and applies a spider German suplex! Rebel distracts the ref as Britt takes advantage and punches Martinez in the face as she was pulling herself up. Hayter connects with big and strong running lariat to end this one.

Winner:Jaime Hayter (7:00)
Rating: ***
Jaime is coming along, no denying it and she passed a big test in my eyes against the in-ring veteran in Martinez. Jaime Hayter has the tools to be a big breakout star and future champion. Matches like this one she had tonight shows you what she’s truly capable of when given a chance. Fans of Mercedes may not be too keen on her rough start in AEW so far but that’ll change soon. Patience folks…

Post -match, Rebel, Britt, and Hayter are about to jump Martinez when Thunder Rosa, nicely dressed in a purple skirt, comes in for the save with a steel chair. The girls make their exit as Rosa stands strong and tall.

Video segment of Shida shown as she talks about Serena Deeb. She hasn’t forgotten about Deeb and wants to do more to her than what she did at REVOLUTION.


Entrances back for this one or at least for Lee. Keith headbutts QT in the jaw after QT interrupts him enjoying the fans chanting him on. Keith picks him up with one arm before QT pulls a rake to the eyes. Keith Lee follows up with a double chop before a big barrel toss across the ring. QT manages to get in a little more offense with a few punches and kicks. He tries to strong whip Lee but it doesn’t work as Lee sends QT in the corner. QT tries to bounce off the ropes and is clotheslined for his efforts. Nick Comorto and Aaron Solo try to distract the ref as it helps QT for a bit as he lands a thrust kick, followed up with a step up enziguri. QT tries looking for a Diamond cutter as Keith Lee sends QT into the ropes and lays him out with a shoulder tackle, followed by the Big Bang Catastrophe to end this one. Aaron and Nick try to get some action as Lee lays both of them out. Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs have seen enough as they come down the ramp. The numbers game is just too much as Hobbs gets one on Lee and plants him with double Aaaaaaa Spinebuster!

Winner:Keith Lee(5:00)
Rating: NR
This was too long, too long winded. Wonder if this was because QT wanted to get in his stuff as honestly this should’ve been over in 90 seconds and then have Nick and Solo do their thing. You just knew that Hobbs and Starks were going to get sum and that played out exactly as expected as the plot thickens with Lee, Hobbs, and Starks.


Entrances in effect here folks. Swerve with a nice sidestep and wrist lock applied as Nese quickly gets out of the ring to regroup. Swerve gets behind Nese, nice low maneuver as he gets behind the head. Nice arm drag and takedown as Nese looks on upset. Nese with a kick and chop to Swerve’s chest. Whip into the corner as Swerve takes Nese down with a low dropkick. Fighting goes outside the ring as Swerve delivers one nasty Gears of War boot to the face of Nese, planting him down on the floor as we go into a final commercial break. Action now back inside as Swerve connects with a uppercut from the top rope. This is followed up with a deadlift, and a suplex buster. Nese uppercuts Swerve as he tries to look for a high risk maneuver from the top rope. Nese was looking for a rolling knee from the corner but misses as he instead connects with a rolling kick, followed by a 450 splash. It’s a near fall as Swerve is still in this one. Both men now exchanging blows. Swerve connects with a nice foot stomp on Nese that puts him outside, he puts him back inside and connects with a rolling DDT for a near fall. Swerve kicks Nese in the head and connects with a stomp to the face from the top turnbuckle for the victory.

Winner:Swerve Strickland (9:00)
Rating: ***
Fantastic in-ring debut for Swerve that went as expected as anyone who took the time to watch him in NXT knows that the young man was on a roll. Kudos to Tony Nese as well. Not long ago Tony was tearing it up as a cruiserweight champion. Really enjoyed their in-ring chemistry here as I’d love to see Tony Khan and crew continue exploring this one. The number of opponents on the main roster for Swerve is a little thin right now because of angles going on for now. Something short term with Nese would do just fine. What do you all think?

End of Show



Another RAMPAGE episode where it was nothing but about singles completion instead of tag team hour, I love it! Fantastic in-ring debut for Swerve Strickland who I expect will do big things in AEW. Just the matchups this man will be having is endless. Keith Lee and Powerhouse Hobbs destiny to fight one another continues to intrigue me. I must admit though I’m not a fan of these somewhat long winded matches Lee has been having as it needs to be even shorter. Jaime Hayter having a strong performance this week. This was all around a very good episode as opposed to last week. Nice love being shown to these recently signed talent. Still need more Danhausen! Be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on as I’m always talking all things wrestling, entertainment, and beyond since 2011. Enjoy your weekend!

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