Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 6.10.22
And hello good kind people! Lee Sanders here and after a long month delay because of the NHL and NBA Playoffs affecting AEW RAMPAGE programming, I’m back! Great to be with you all again covering RAMPAGE as I missed you all. In-between my time away from RAMPAGE coverage I was in attendance as a member of the media covering AWESOME CON in Washington, D.C. If you missed my review of it you can check it out by clicking here. I also co-hosted a panel talking about the Current State of Prowrestling and Pop Culture with Missionary Thomas of WRESTLING SOUP, and Julian Cannon of the Knockturnal and WRESTLING COURT. Check it out and more AWESOME CON 2022 coverage clicking here. On that note, let’s talk RAMPAGE folks!
No introductions for this one as we join both men already in the ring swinging on one another. Jake with a couple of short clotheslines to ground Kingston now. This is followed up by another short clothesline, followed up by punches to the face and a toss outside the ring. Kingston comes back with a series of chops before Hager is back on the offense. Action heads back into the ring as Hager gets Kingston in an underhook trapping of both arms. And another toss outside the ring by Hager as this match is one sided so far. Nice snap suplex on the outside by Hager to Kingston as we go back inside the ring now. Kingston with forearm strikes to the kidney of Kingston. Eddie tries to come back with a few chops but Hager catches him to land a side suplex. Hager stays on top with a single arm submission hold as Kingston breaks out to deliver open hand strikes. Hager drives his knee into the lower abdomen of Kingston. Both men are now trading chops as Kingston gets the better of the round followed with a knee and flying boot to the side of the head. Hager counters with a suplex throw as we head into a commercial break. Back now as Kingston gives a middle finger to Hager as Hager delivers punch after punch. Kingston comes back with a poke to the eyes and a DDT. Both men are laid out and exhausted as they come up to their feet. Kingston comes in with his trademark machine gun chops on Hager. Hager comes back with a Hager Bomb to only get a near fall. Hager drags Kingston to the middle of the ring looking for an ankle lock but Eddie counters with back to back side suplexes. Counter attempt made as Hager kicks out. Kingston tries looking for his spinning backfist but Hager counters by going for the legs and gets Kingston in an ankle lock in the middle of the ring. Hager is putting serious torque on it as Kingston digs in deep to reach for the bottom rope. It’s a rope break as Hager is trying to stay on top of Kingston. Punch after punch to the head and neck of Kingston as Kingston counters with a powerbomb. Kingston follows up with not one but two spinning backfists to pick up the victory. Way to go Eddie!
Winner:Eddie Kingston (11:32)
Rating: ***
Nice opener of a match and I enjoyed how dominating Hager was at the beginning as his mma training did come into play here. Everyone did a good job here in telling their story and Kingston came out of this looking like an absolute beast. Love that we’re seeing more of Hager wrestling on the regular as it’s long overdue.
Tony Schiavone is backstage with Britt Baker, Rebel, and Jaime Hayter. Britt has issue with Toni Storm touching her Owen Hart championship belt from Wednesdays’ DYNAMITE. She also feels that the AEW Womens Championship is calling to her. Cue up the Jack Nicholson no gif as we go into ad breaks…
Recap of Ortiz and Jericho feud as we’re reminded of their upcoming hair versus hair match next week on DYNAMITE.
Lethal comes in but then decides to tag in Singh as he delivers a massive hand on Vega. Fitchett comes in and gets crushed for his troubles as this sets up Lethal to do a double Lethal Injection on both men for the cover.
Winner:Jay Lethal and Singh (01:25)
Rating: DUD
Short and simple with emphasis on making the big man look good. All there was to this one.
Velvet tried to get the jump on Kris outside the ring but Statlander counters with a quick powerslam. Action inside the ring now as Kris plants a running knee into the face of Velvet. Red Velvet goes outside to chat it up with Jade, Stokley, and Kiera as Statlander connects with an elbow strike. Velvet with a quick poke to the eyes followed by a rear naked choke but Statlander goes up to the top rope and tosses her off! Statlander launches from the top rope as nobody is home. Velvet tries for a diving crossbody as Kris counters it into a delayed vertical suplex as Velvet counters and goes for Statlander’s knee as we head into more ads. We’re back as both women are slugging it out. Statlander with a timely backbreaker. Kris now with shoulder tackles and forearm strikes, followed by a spinning blue Thunder Bomb! Pin attempt made as it’s a near fall for Statlander. Victory roll attempt by Velvet as it’s countered and that is also a near fall. Excellent series of counters here as the fans in Kansas City are loving this. Velvet hanging on to the top rope as Statlander charges at her now. Velvet with a nice drop toe hold to trip up Kris as she plants her knees to the back of Kris’ head. Cutter by Velvet from the middle rope followed by Just Desert finisher as Statlander kicks out! Velvet tries going for a corkscrew kick as Statlander counters with a big right hand. Velvet comes back with a kick to the knee as Statlander counters with a pump handle turned Friday Night Fever finisher for the win.
Winner:Kris Statlander (07:25)
Rating: ***
This was surprisingly a good match that far exceeded my expectations. Great chemistry between both women but I found myself really appreciating the hard work and dedication Statlander continues putting in to be an overall better performer and this match a solid banger.
Post match, Kiera Hogan jumps Kris post match to setup Jade to get in some shots as well. Anna Jay comes in for the save but the numbers game is too much for her. Send for Athena as she comes out and is held back by officials as Athena and Jade have a stare down.
Backstage interview with Ethan Page is conducted as Page will be facing Miro in the Mid-Atlantic championship tournament. Page isn’t impressed with Miro and is confident he’ll be the one advancing. We shall see…
Trent and Will start things off for this main event or so we thought as Dax wants to begin instead. Great ground work by both men as it quickly turns into a stalemate. Both men exchange chops as Dax gets the upper hand and setup to tag Cash. Cash intro the ropes and lands a shoulder tackle. Bit of a miscommunication as it came off Cash was looking for maybe a spinebuster but Will somehow turns the miscue into a scissors takedown. Fletcher gets in briefly before tagging in Davis. Nice side lockmtakedown by Davis. Trent the legal man now as he plants a few chops on Davis. Trent into the ropes as Davis catches him but it’s countered into a pin attempt. Quick kick out as Will gets the tag. Hell breaks out all outside the ring as Beretta does a moonsault onto Osprey and Aussie Open as we head into our last set of ad breaks. By the way, how about that Top Gun: Maverick?
Back from commercials as Osprey tags in Fletcher who gets nailed by an enziguri. Davis with a knee to the face of Cash Wheeler to stop a legal tag. Fletcher charges at Beretta in the corner but no is home as Dax gets the hot tag. Dax is cleaning house with snap suplexes on everyone. German suplex trio on Fletcher by Dax. Nice stand and switch by Fletcher as FTR team up on Fletcher with a great combo but Fletcher kicks out. Fletcher connects with a big elbow strike to send Dax crashing outside the ring. Fletcher comes in with a thrust kick on Cash. Aussie Open with a cutter on Cash as it sets up Osprey with a 450 splash as Trent breaks up the pin for the save. Dax gets in and is superkicked by Osprey. Osprey follows up with a cutter on Wheeler, and a cover attempt is made but it’s a kick out. Fletcher now the legal man as he gets a hurricarna by Trent. Fletcher gets taken down by a lariat from Beretta. Osprey whipes out FTR on the outside with a diving cross boy from over the ropes. Fletcher gets Storm Zeroed by Trent to end this classic match up.
Winner:FTR & Trent Beretta (13:00)
Rating: ****
Fantastic main event match and great effort from all parties involved. Gotta admit this was my first time seeing Will Osprey and Aussie Open in action as I don’t follow NJPW and they made quite the impression on me. Anyone that can hang with FTR and then some is pretty damn good in my book and these boys delivered. Just imagine what’s in store for us at the Forbidden Door ppv with in-ring action this good as this should’ve been on a pay per view instead of television.
End of Show
Great in-ring action all night long for this weeks episode that went by pretty quick I must say. I’m still enjoying my vacation from my shows as this was the first wrestling show I’ve watched this week and this episode delivered big time. Great singles women action, solid trios main event, emphasis on a stacked AEW DYNAMITE card for this coming week while also juggling the Forbidden Door, what more could you ask for people? Only Debbie Downer for me was the Jay Lethal and Singh tag match as I could’ve done without that. Overall though a solid edition of RAMPAGE back in its regular time slot. Oh happy happy joy joy! For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend y’all!